Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Bowtie Band
Recording, Mixing & Mastering Engineer and Bass Player (Electric & Upright) in Bayreuth, Germany
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I have worked in the live and studio audio industry since 1985, 80% of my mixing was live, I no longer mix live due to a back problem. Having mixed a very diverse range of bands for over 25 years believe I can get the best out of a song.
I want your music to shine and will work with you to get the best possible sounding master. Before engaging into the mastering process I always do an initial mixdown check free of charge.
I am a music producer, I do voice recording, electronic music arrangements, and I also do remix, not just electronic music other genres musical as well.
Producer, Songwriters, Composer.
I am the midwife to your music: I am here to help you deliver your music to the world and make it be the best it can be. Over 13 million streams on songs I've produced on Spotify :)
I am a gold-certified producer/pianist working in the Asian pop market and have produced songs for artists like KAT-TUN, Fantastics from Exile Tribe & Z-Faction. I have over 20 years experience playing the piano and have studied both Jazz & Classical at a high level.
Hello! I am a full-time professional Singer/Music Producer with 8 years of experience born in Argentina.
https://credits.muso.ai/profile/e60c2c86-50d5-4ab8-ba46-2484d2f759cd I am a highly skilled and experienced Mixing, Mastering, and Music Producer, dedicated to elevating your music to its fullest potential. I offer top-tier services tailored to meet your specific needs.Contact me to discuss your project and let's create something extraordinary!
Recent Successes
"When I say "unbelievable", I mean it. I went into this project with very low expectations -- hiring someone I didn't know to work on a project that was potentially a bad idea from the onset, made this a big risk. Bran..."
"Thank you once again, Nicola, for providing a high-quality mix for me to use for the rest of my life! He outshines the other producers with great communication and attention to detail!"
"Joei is amazing. The tone of her voice, the skills and taste are perfect! A true talent"
"This is my THIRD time working with Nate!!! Nate is not just an EXCELLENT PRODUCER, NOT JUST AN EXCELLENT ENGINEER, but he is also a GREAT MENTOR!!! From the start he has been GUIDING me through our projects! Thank you..."
"Kyrre is my usual go-to guy these days for mastering! He has very quick delivery and makes my music loud and clear. Thanks again Kyrre and I will be back soon!"
"Rudiger is fantastic. He climbed inside the song and found its soul. The kind of singer that songwriters carry around sketchbooks for."