Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Paul B. Felix
I love making everything I work with sound better.
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With millions of streams and top BBC features, I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality results as a mixer and producer. Specialized in all things groovy, dirty, jazzy, sexy or trippy.
Hi, my name is Ethan Anderson, I am a passionate composer who is dedicated to creating and bringing out emotion in film through music.
I have a heart for artists and creatives. I'm always looking for ways to partner with people that God is using to further His kingdom in our area. By working with me, know that you are investing in the future of many other worship leaders and creatives who we'll one day have the opportunity to be able to bless with doing great work at a great price
I'm a classically trained multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and versatile vocalist. I can navigate many styles including pop, R&B, country and hip-hop. Many years of studio experience and training makes me extremely efficient in the recording booth. I bring a strong background in music theory and excellent piano chops.
Your vision is my vision. Dedicated to taking your sound to the next level.
I can mix all genres and I specialize in the production of Rap/Hip-Hop or R&B instrumentals.
Looking for killer guitar tracks or fresh ideas to bring your song to life? Whether it's electric, acoustic, or classical guitar, I've got you covered. With over 14 years of experience and a love for blending styles from rock to folk to pop to Blues to Soul, I’m ready to help you create something special.
Recent Successes
"Mixing and mastering with George was a great experience! He sure knows what he is doing. He is very open and a easy-going professional. His mixing skills really made a difference! "
"Again, Michael gave back exactly what was described and required. Once again, very professional. Will work with him again."
"The best of the best!!! I say vintage rock, he say's "No problem!" and nails it."
"Easy to work with, efficient and the mix sounds great! Can't wait to do more mixes with Tyler"
"Big fan of Christian. Great voice, great tone. Total pro. Highly recommend!"
"Bella was incredible to work with, fast, reliable & delivered spot-on to my instructions and vision. Best of all - she sounds absolutely amazing! Looking forward to working with her again in the future ! "
"Bram pays a lot of attention to details. He's very reactive to make the right adjustments so the tracks sound just like they should. Always a pleasure to collaborate with him."
"Fucking awesome what he can do to make your tracks come give it that extra piece it needs if you not going with him you doing something wrong lol "
"he is loyal to his job and satisfy to work with him recommend to work with no doubt"