Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Battle For The Sunlit Lands (Original Book Score)
4,000,000+ views on YouTube / Composer, Arranger, World Woodwinds Remote Recording, Engineer based in Bologna, Italy
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'' 'Dima Zill' '' - (real name - Dmitry Kovalev), born. March 1, 1984) Ukrainian DJ, sound producer.Avtor, many tracks and remixes, in walks in the top 100 DJs of Ukraine, in the house style.
Analog Mixing & Mastering
Our team has worked on projects for Epic Records, Chance the Rapper, Peter Cottontail, Jussie Smollett and Netflix. NYC, Chicago and Los Angeles are our three main hubs and we work with an extensive network of musicians and studios on prouduction as well as artist development.
Poetry in melody, soulfully made in Africa.
I can give you the Hip-Hop/Trap beats you need.
Let me create for you.
Drummer of all trades. Specialised in technical music styles and groovy music styles. Toured the world for many years and played with the best.
If you need saxophone, flute, or horn arrangements for any style, that's my expertise. I've performed on many tracks and have millions of plays on Spotify. Credits include contributions to records by "of Montreal", "Kishi Bashi", "Lucius" and many others.
Recent Successes
"Austin was very easy to work with and created a mix that I was incredibly happy with. Attentive, quick turn-around, and brilliantly talented, Austin elevated my track to radio quality and beyond. Highly recommended !!"
"Very professional and very helpful! He has a true talent mixing, we will be using him again and again! "
"Fantastic job. "
"Beautiful and perfect, as always!"
"It was the second time and Aliz did a great job again. Communication with him is great. In addition to the main vocals, he also sang super old school metal choirs. Aliz is a reliable partner for your production. Th..."
"It was absolutely amazing getting the opportunity to work with Mr. Kilhoffer. The work provided was top notch. He was able to bring out the track in a way that does justice to the track. He offered his thoughts and op..."
"Besides having a mind blowing gift & talent, Elise is the consummate pro. She is prompt & thorough & is so very easy & pleasant to work with. It is a thrill & an honor to hear her sing my songs!"
"Alex always find a way to create a perfect mix in such sort time. He's the best!"