Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Thais Nascimento
You put your heart and soul into your music, don't let your mix break it!
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when you need a tasty, toney guitar track that sets your song apart
Gritty boombap, soul, funk, lo-fi sound
Most musicians want the ability to be free flowing while creating and hate being restricted to trying to make it all happen by yourself. At APT301 we'll manage the stress and help you create your next great song or project so you can relax and enjoy!
Music Producer, Beat Maker, DJ. I can create a full track around your lyrics & other vocal ideas. I can mix and master your tracks in a timely fashion!. Contact me, lets get to work :)
As a music producer, I bring artists' creative vision to life through sound production and engineering. I use technical skills and creativity to record, mix, and master tracks that meet the highest standards of audio quality, with the ultimate goal of creating music that resonates with people on an emotional level.
I'm an experienced producer, songwriter, and mix engineer specializing in pop, electronic, and hip hop production. I deliver a quick turnaround and a sense of reliability for all artists, helping them achieve and realize their vision for their project.
The Superflirt sound is nostalgic indie pop guitars and punchy drums, with placements such as Spotify's New Music Friday US.
Recent Successes
"Very good communication with Sanura throughout the project. She understood what we wanted and even went the extra mile. Very happy with the collaboration and would def. work again with her."
"Fantastic work as always!"
"Mark is on point, accommodating and willing to go the 'extra mile' to give you something that is polished and what you're looking for :)"
"Super guy, super job! Have a feeling this last one will made into some pretty dope charts? haha!"
"Dominic is the perfect engineer to work with, he's incredibly creative and patient and his communication skills are amongst many of his highlights. Anyone working with Dominic is in good hands. "
"Blake was incredibly professional and accommodating. He patiently worked with me to give the stellar performance I was looking for. I'd definitely book Blake again for my future projects!"
"Awesome engineer here, we got the song in a good place súper quick and ready for master! Excellent job with the low end on this one, definitely going back for another mix with this genius!"
"Jaki is a great singer and songwriter. Good communication & fast respond. It was a pleasure to work with her on this project. I can highly recommend. "
"As always Bram never disappoints. We were really satisfied with the great work done on our track. He perfectly hit the weak points of our work correcting them and giving a perfect sound to everything. Now it has becom..."