Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anthony Giraldi
Huge collection of vintage drums ready to be on your record! I have at my disposal a collection of drums that spans from 1871-present day. Many of my favorite records are from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s so I've curated a collection of instruments that captures these sounds and modern sounds as well - including a wide variety of auxiliary percussion!
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Audio engineer from Canada. Will work with reasonable budgets.
Mixing Engineer, Drummer and Producer
I am a Guitarist and Sound Engineer based from Mumbai. I am Lead Guitarist in LOONS THE BAND, and I do freelance and sessions for the same. I have done Sound Engineering from STEINBERG UK. Currently working as freelance sound engineer, programmer and Guitarist.
I can take a song from chords & lyrics to a mixed and mastered production. I can also help an inexperienced writer to fine tune their composition.
Are you looking for a natural and punchy mix with affordable price and fast turnaround time?
I provide melodic mastery on sitar and guitar. My extensive training in traditional Hindustani Raga Music as well as Western music allows for creative composition that is a rare find. I have vast experience as a composer and performer in Hindustani music, Western classical, jazz, folk, blues, pop, latin and world styles. MFA in Music from Cal Arts.
I will write you a song, produce your record, score your film, and make you visuals for Spotify canvas, tour, or music videos. Bass Player in Black Mountain, Co owner of Circular Ruin Studios in Brooklyn NY and The Center For Sound Light and Color Therapy in Portland OR.
Our favorite work was collaborating with MTV/Elastic.tv on custom remixes and sound design for every category of the VMA awards. We've created many songs synced in TV/Film. Our methodology has always been "What would this song sound like 10 years from now?" With a specialty in multi-genre work, if you're looking for unique- we've got you covered.
Recent Successes
"First of all Arthur is amazing person. He knows how to connect with a client and does his best to help you sound better. Fast."
"Another outstanding job. I truly appreciate the care taken in getting the best sound possible."
"Always a pleasure working with Karl! He's super talented so it makes it so much easier and faster to complete projects that sound exactly how I want them to sound. Looking forward to many more projects with him in the..."
"Guy was my pleasure to work with. He was patient and had helpful tips for starting out . I felt like we had real convos.. when i mentioned my revisions, he made me feel comfy to share my opinion. O and his beats are f..."
"Sakari did a killer vocal for the song, no revisions, perfect the first time round. Easy and reliable communication, fantastic experience."
"Amazing work from Ryan who always cares to put his best foot forward on all he does. Highly recommend for anyone looking for quality horns!"
"Jeff was awesome as usual and nailed it first time! Communication is great and he has very good intuition on what a track needs to sound like."
"Matt is the man! A true professional, I am blown away by how amazing the track sounds. We are on our way to completing the album with him. 10/10."
"She is perfect mastering engineer, I'm going to work with her again and again"