Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Telly Grave
Full service production, mixing, mastering, vox tuning, recording and engineering from Kiev, Ukraine. R&B/Trap/Hip-hop/House/Techno/Pop & Rock Music
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Recording. Mixing. Mastering. Since 2010 working with the best of brazilian music.
Let’s make your song shine. Rock, Rock & Roll, Hard Rock, Metal, EDM, Electronic music, Blues, Funk and Folk.
I will refine your vocal tracks by correcting pitch, adjusting timing, and aligning harmonies to give you a polished, professional sound - in any genre. I’ll make sure every note and word in your recordings shines.
Hello my names Jasmine, t I want to widen my singing career but I've ran into a bit of writers block. So I'm looking for a song writer that would be interested in working with me, I'm not picky on a genera because my voice works with a few, however I am really into alt music.
Male Singer with a very low voice, goes by Drakey on Spotify.
Nominated at the Dance Music Awards 2023 and have worked with some of the biggest names in pop and dance music, delivering hundreds of productions, mixes and remixes to the world's most famous record labels. I produce music for international labels (Warner, Sony, Universal, Altafonte, NewMusicGroup, Ets etc...)
20 years of classic guitar training. Bass, piano, drums. 8 years of recording, mixing, mastering folk.
I have 10+ years of experience in audio engineering(live as FOH/Monitor Mix Engineer and in the studio as a Mix/Mastering Engineer), music composition/production, sound design/synthesis, pre- & post-production, and professional DJing. I specialize in understanding that every project is unique, just like people, music, and art!
Recent Successes
"A lot people give 5 star reviews to 4 star engineers, but this is not that type of review. Brent went all-star on my song with a mix and master that is ready for radio-play. Best work I've received through Soundbetter."
"As good as it gets. If you're looking for a top guitarist for your next project, stop now & hire Chris as fast as you can. I'm not kidding. Unreal musicality: technique, versatility, tone, & just impeccable instin..."
"Arthur has given a perfect Mix&Master on my Jazz-Trio Project. A perfect balance between Jazzy-Sound and modern Mix! Thank you!!!!!"
"incredible guitar player, really add flavors to the track. extremely dedicated and talented. thank you. "
"Brandon is literally one of the most professional engineers I’ve ever got in contact with ! He made my song sound perfect ! I love that he was very patient with me and understanding. I will definitely be going back t..."
"Such a great pianist and a really nice person. Loved to work with him. He delivered on the same day which was very helpful because of my deadline. Will definitely come back more often in the future!"
"Very professional! Patricio performed even better than I had hoped for. He immediately understood the nature of the song and made a great performance. Also a very quick delivery time and a high sound quality of his re..."
"Gary's expertise is second to none! His playing is energetic and in the pocket. His bass tone is perfect, very little to no EQ needed, and he brings an intensely thoughtful approach to every song I've heard him on. Tr..."