Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Teatro mayor Julio Mario Santodomingo
Classical soprano versatile in different genres such as opera, symphonic metal and classical crossover.
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2019 saw Tim record and mix Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott’s Number 1 album ‘Manchester Calling’ alongside producer John Williams.
Rock and metal music is all about the energy. Lets make your song the best it can be. As an engineer, I care about your music as much as you do, because in the past I've gotten shot mixes from recording studios and know what it is like to be disappointed. Lets not be disappointed.
Academy of Arts Cairo Bachelor's degree, Music Theory and Composition, sound engineering
Get professional-quality mixing and mastering services at reasonable and flexible prices.
I bring visual art and music together to give people something more to think about.
Young talent of the land of the Oz (Australia), My stage name is Eskey I am a Hip hop artist & multi media talent, I can Rap, Produce, mix & master, Video edit, photo edit. I am a photographer & cinematographer, I have cert (Certificate) 2 and 3 in screen & media. I have 5+ years of live sound and in box audio engineer, production, rap & Recording
Professional Full Time Audio Production Studio.
EDM / POP Productions
Recent Successes
"This was my first time working with Myah and she is truly the quintessential professional - so impressed with her vocals on my song, her very prompt communication and her incredibly swift turnaround on the work, she i..."
"Marco is a wonderful engineer. Always nice and patient. Listening to any suggestion and making those ideas come true. I highly recommend him and the ESOF team. Great job on my track."
"Mason was fantastic following the guide track, but embellishing where and when I requested - he has a great voice and killer harmonies. "
"we did something completely out of left field for this last track, ( our 28th this year so far) and it come out very intimate. loved the process, AND THE DELIVERY TIME!"
"Balir is incredible, literally out of this world I dont have enough words to praise the work he's done on our song. He took so much care and showed so much enthuisiasm, you'd think that he was the creator of the..."
"Such an amazing singer/writer!! Really enjoyed working with Ashley and I highly recommend you guys to work with her as well! :) "
"I've done many songs with Austin over the past year and I am consistently impressed that the production is always right on. He is quick and thoughtful about each job. "