Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tarju Le'Sano
Singer/songwriter and guitarist currently doing my Master’s degree in commercial songwriting and production at Tileyard, London
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I'm a Logic Pro producer. If you send me a vocal track and a track with your instrument I'll produce your song. Have a nice day!
Experience recording and mixing engineer.
Remote Mixing
Talk to me about your music! I share your passion and would love to make it sound great!
HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: - High-Quality drum tracks for one song(Raw files with no processing) - A free Zoom call so we can talk through details. - We'll work on the song until it is exactly how you want it Each song costs $70
I am a beats maker/creator who is surely having potential to grow,just need proper guidelines for Me to push foward
Newly Placed on SoundBetter! Award-winning music producer with a history of collaboration with Industry Award Winning artists, performers, and engineers producing distributed songs and albums in all genres with a specialty in Hip-Hop, Pop, Latin, Reggae, and acoustic Jazz. Be one of the first to work with this amazing producer.
Clean, Powerful and Musical Mixes.
Recent Successes
"It was definitely a pleasure having Tyree bless my production with his vocals as well as his supreme writing. Very professional and the turnaround time was awesome just 2 days that's the best on soundbetter.com with A..."
"Amazing our new song thanks to this amazing amzing mastering engineer!!! So powerful work!! Thank you so much!!! i wish i could give you 6 starts :)) The sound shined!!"
"Alex is truly a class act! His studio is exactly as described, and precisely what I had sought. If you're looking for a considerate, knowledgeable, hard-working and all-around delightful musician/producer, contact Alex! "
"Arthur is that dude, period! Pick a style and he can do it. Great mixing and mastering as well. Plus, he's fun to hang with in studio!! A true creative. "
"Love working with Bram! always delivers a top quality product."
"Working with SUVI was a standout experience. She quickly grasped my vision and added her unique flair with promptness and professionalism. If you need a talented rapper who delivers fast and understands your brief, SU..."
"Richard is a true pro with excellent intonation and musical intuition, very tasteful player. Excellent work ethic always gets the project done in a timely manner"