Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tanna
High quality music mixing and recording with best possible analog gear.
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Hello out there, mixberlin is a small but professional Studio equipped with state of the art recording equipment. The studio ist located in the center of Friedrichshain Berlin next to Warschauerstraße. I am specialized in engineering and mixing.
Russian arranger, composer, sound designer working in different styles of music.
Musically qualified, award winning Bagpiper specialising in session bagpipes. Open for advice, collaboration and brainstorming! Also performer of Celtic Winds (Low Whistle, Penny Whistle etc).
Affordable pristine mixing with all of your desires!
Versatile fiddle player with classical music qualifications, traditional music awards and track record of accompanying singers.
Hi! I am a professional vocalist and songwriter with over 15 years of experience. My vocals fits best within the genres of pop, edm, indie, blues, rock and folk. I also write lyrics and melodies. If I had to describe my style, it is unique and personal and all my clients have achieved great success with my collaboration in their projects.
guto santanna musico
Percibo mi musica como una fusión de géneros, capaz de ir mas allá de los ‘’limites’’. Hoy en día se interpretar, dirigir y plasmar en una obra la mezcla de 2 o mas géneros como pueden ser: RAP REGGAETON TRAP REGIONAL MEXICANO SALSA BOLEROS CUMBIAS
Recent Successes
"Great experience, John did a fantastic job on the master. Fast, reliable, professional and very good communication!"
"First class writing ability. A great talent. "
"Absolute gold! On our fourth collab, Denny delivers just a hot as the first time! A true talent and complete pro to work with. Couldn't be more excited about our work together!!"
"Nathalie exceeded my exceptions and she knocked it out the park on the first try! I am very satisfied with the latin track her and her team did for me! I will for sure use her again for other projects!"
"This is my second time working with Gekko! He really cares about capturing your artistic vision. It's truly a privilege to work with him. Gekko has my highest recommendation!"
"TonyB went out his way for me on my project which was a last minute need for a vocalist. He nailed it on first try and a fast turn around time. He responds quickly and his amazing voice for sure added to our project. ..."
"Extraordinarily fast and friendly! Bram helped get my track up to professional standards that got it signed to a label I've been wanting to release on for a while now. Absolute top quality across the board!"
"I love working with Vintage, he is such a true professional and gets the sound exactly how I imagine it every time. Truly greatful for his skills."