Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tales of Las Cruces (Feature Film)
My experience has led me to have a good understanding of the compositional and orchestration methods that apply specifically for film soundtracks, which allows me to translate the filmmaker's ideas and compose music accordingly. I like to work closely with the director so the style and feeling of the music fits his/her specific needs and audience.
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More providers:
I have been recording, mixing, and mastering music for 10 years in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Louisville. I have recently returned to Louisville and I am ready to make your project sound amazing.
Hi, I'm Sandro, a french independant sound engineer and musician from Paris. My goal? Serve your music and give it the power, punch and clarity that will impact your listeners, driving them into true fans of your art.
Hi! I'm Emily and I'm a professional singer songwriter specializing in hooky melodies and harmonies. I perform a blend of pop and folk, but I sing and write in a variety of genres, including electronic, country, and blues.
Need some Rock/Soul/Pop guitar lines? How about a Unique Baritone vocal line? all the way up to full production of a Rock,soul, Pop, I'm your man!
Unlock the celestial potential of your music and captivate your audience with the expert touch of Biggz Industry – your homeboy engineer/producer. Elevate your sound, connect with the stars, and leave an indelible mark on the industry. Ready to transform your music into a cosmic experience? Let's make waves together.
I am geared to understanding and being apart of the process to create pieces of music or art that individually represents the artist. I will be in it fully to best compliment the vision and creation and am exited to know the details behind the ideas of the music.
Professional audio engineer who work for Universal and Avantguardia.
Wide-Fi Sound (Lo-Fi <-> Hi-Fi, and all in beetween). Adventure recorder and mixer. NO RECIPES APPLIED!!! Each song is unique and deserves what makes it sond better.
Recent Successes
"I think Diego is a fantastic bass player and immediately picked up on the song I sent him and was able to draw upon what I had already laid the foundation for. I look forward to working with him and future songs as w..."
"Once again Jason has knocked it out of the park. Extremely happy with his work. Very easy to work with. He just gets it done. 2 songs down...3 to go."
"Once again, fantastic work from Kristoffer! On each of our projects he has brought consistent, top-notch work to the table. On this most recent project, he helped me execute the vision for my song, and brought a great..."
"So incredibly skilled with a really great ear! This is my second project with him and I am blown away at how quickly he works and at the high quality of the finished sound. It really supports the song well! Definitely..."
"Another one amazing sone done pretty well!"
"Trust him more than your own ear, he will get it right the first time. Knowledgable, patient, and very capable mastering engineer!"
"Z is the BEST song writer!!!! And he just put down a fist pumping, goosebump inducing lead on said KILLER track! Can I get a HELL YEAH!! Z you are THE MAN!! 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻!!!"