Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Taicho
⭐PRO MIX & MASTERING ⭐ Whether you are looking to enhance the clarity, balance, or impact of your tracks, my goal is to help you achieve the best possible sound for your music. My goal is for my clients to be 100% happy with the result.
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I am am an recording and live sound engineer based out of Chicago, IL.
R&B Artist, Producer, and Audio Engineer. Happy to help bring your music to life!
High level Mixing and Mastering. Good communication, friendly and professional.
Grammy Award winning quality mastering as thought at the "Mastering Accelerator" by Blake La Grange including the opportunity of weekly advisory listening sessions with the award-winning engineer. Throughout his career Basri Hayran has worked with clients including; Sofar Sounds, Ilhan Ersahin, Mogollar, Ezhel, Deniz Tekin, TNK, Hayko Cepkin...
3-time Grammy nominated music producer, mixing engineer, and recording engineer. I have a true passion for music, and I love nothing more than helping artists create top-quality music that resonates with their audience.
Carlos Marrero is a singer, songwriter and producer from the Canary Islands based in Madrid, Spain. As a solo artist, he currently releases music under the moniker El Marido Ideal, a project through which he has earned a place in the Spanish and Latin underground by showcasing a style he has kind of ironically baptized as "hyperfolk".
A voice no one forgets. Contralto Female. Top liner, Lyricist, Singer Songwriter. Berklee College of Music , 25year experience.
"Fernando Olaya: A Visionary in Electronic Music Composition, mixing and Live Performance" Music producer, audio engineer, mixing and mastering engineer, conservatory-trained musician, live performer, music advisor, and SEO of academies specializing in electronic music production training."
Recent Successes
"Highly recommended and talented producer!"
"Rosanna - very very nice to work with you. Sent her just a few reference songs and the first demo she sent was spot on. So we finished the song in just few days - great quality vocals. . Very professional in every way..."
"Simone is a pro, his mix/mastering sounds amazing and has a very quick delivery. "
"Truly a professional. One of the few singers I've worked with over the years that didn't need an ounce of auto-tune or correction...this is awesome! A lot less work for me too! He nailed it!"
"Robbie is a real pro. Super nice to work with, enthusiastic and a friendly guy. Delivers fast, responds quickly. This was my second job with Robbie and I will definitely work with him again. "
"Aleesia is a great pro! She listened to my musical project and was able to meet all my expectations. She is very easy to communicate with and always has great ideas. I highly recommend her!"
"Killian is amazing! He is currently helping me with an album project and KILLING IT! Making each song exactly as I imagined, which hasn’t been able to happen before with a producer. 10/10. "
"Nate really brings a lot to a project. I came to him with some bland drum loops and he took what was there and really brought the whole thing to life with a performance that had a ton of attention to detail and really..."
"He was so great ! I don’t want to work with anyone else I asked him to do two songs in less than two months and I’ll ask him to do more records. He is a professional, respectful patient, overall and great at his job! "