Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tadhg Daly
I’m a Producer/writer and instrumentalist currently based in London. I work with a big variety of artists in the wider pop world and I loooove guitars.
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Sound Engineer
Engineer/Artist/Songwriter Engineer at top studios in Miami I'm here to get your song to sound the way you would like it... let's work!
If you want a high quality sound ready for radio, TV or film contact me.
I am an up and coming audio engineer attending MediaTech Institute in Dallas, TX.
Professional Double bass and electric bass player, expert in styles ranging from jazz, funk, bossa, tango to classical music. Composer/arranger, great experience creating string, rhythm, brass or wind sections for diverse projects. Sound engineer and producer. Produced, recorded, edited and mixed over 50 commercial records of many musical styles
I am a mix engineer specialising in Hip-Hop, R&B, Dancehall & Afrobeat music. I have mixed thousands of songs for singers and producers from all over the world, and been involved in the Hip-Hop and the arts for over 20 years. My prices are reasonable, and the quality is unmatched! Give me a shot, and get 50% off your first mix price.
Hey, I'm a Grade 8 vocalist, I've been singing and playing instruments professionally for a while now, currently working as a music teacher, and looking for an opportunity to showcase my talent, be it mixing and mastering or performing singing.
Passionate about sound, detail-oriented, and committed to delivering a mix that elevates your music. I’m here to help you create a sound that stands out and connects with your audience. Let's work together to make your music the best it can be!
Recent Successes
"Sean is just the consummate professional. Not only an incredible player (obviously), but also ready and willing to go in a different direction if I need him to--as I did here, because I wasn't as sure about the feel I..."
"Benedikt is a great professional sound engineer. Good ears, precise, understands perfectly what you want and is very patient despite all the feedbacks. I would recommend him no doubt."
"Robbie has been great to work with! An incredible vocalist who has helped bring one of my songs to life! Will be working with him again! "
"Mercedes always delivers. Clear communication and a very very talented musician. Trust me when i say you will not be dissapointed."
"He always delivers magic ! Such a pleasure working with John !"
"Martin created a second project for me, a cover, a canvas for Spotify and an animation for my song. He only received the music, no other information. Give him time and his imagination has no limits. He created an inc..."
"Amazing experience with Arthur! There's always something new and creative that he brings to every track that is truly refreshing for any artist looking to develop their sound. Couldn't be happier with the track that w..."