Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sync Button
Analog mastering for all streaming platforms, CD, and vinyl.
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Born in Italy and the music from the beginning in the blood! I live in Germany, where I moved from Italy back in 1992. I got a degree as Audio Engineer at the SAE Academy in Frankfurt am Main. My passion for the music, is always a challenge for me as an Audio Engineer, to give Songs that certain "something " by the mixdown.
Versatile, award-winning music producer and composer.
The Work done with patience, experimenting, practicing and perfecting
One Of The In House Engineers In The Bay Area
I'm your one stop shop for getting your music from out of your head and into the real world. My team and Ifacilitate the entire music creation process, from conceptin to preparing the final song for distribution.
I'm an EDM producer. contact me on contact.relapsemusic@gmail.com or +33 637800518
Arranging | Mixing | Mastering 💥 Atmos Mixing as well 🎶
I’ve been in studios with artist such as key Glock, young dolph, lil baby, lil crank and more. I’ve spent a couple of years in studios in Atlanta finding my sound and now have moved on to starting my own studio.
Recent Successes
"It's the third project I worked with Nate. He is a very professional drummer, quite creative and plays different styles absolut confidently! It is always a great pleasure for me to work with. His drums take your song ..."
"Just received the song number 9 worked with Killian and i am still surprised with his AWESOME talent. You just have to try working with him!! Guy is sooo talented an emphatic! He understands exactly which vibe will ma..."
"Super bien, muy flexible y trato amigable... Seguiré trabajando con el en mis próximos proyectos. "
"Needed drums for my blackened doom project, Alex know exactly what he is doing, he has a great sense of the type of atmosphere, technique and style required for this type of music. He was also very transparent about ..."
"This beat that Bruno created made me cry... because of how good and on point it was. Absolutely amazing, as always!!!"
"Stephen has a unique voice. His phrasing and timing are superb and he puts in a great deal of effort to deliver his best performance."
"Sounds great thanks!"