Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Symphonic Pops of Long Island
Jazz arranger: from combo to jazz ensemble to orchestral pops my charts give your band it's own sound and tunes you'll use every night--whether you have a two-horn combo or a 17-piece big band. Also lots of experience (Coachella Symphony, Holland Symphony, Symphonic Pops of Long Island, Reading Pops, etc.) in pops orchestra arranging.
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Remote Mixing & Mastering Music Composition for Film/TV/Games Music Production
20 years of experience in different areas of the music industry allowed us to develop our vocation: Accompany our clients and provide a distinguished service that brings world-class quality to his works. Communication and interdependence with our clients and other professionals of the music industry allow us to garantize a high level of efficiency.
Your music is worth being heard. I want to help bring it to life and to make it speak powerfully to whoever needs to hear it. Let's team up and make it happen.
Mixer/Remixer/Producer of numerous platinum and gold records and more than 20 Billboard #1 dance singles.
My mission is to work with other creators internationally, providing them with above industry-standard audio production, sound design, original music composition, and eventually mix and mastering culminating in a perfect project.
Specialized in Jazz and Classical, but fluent in genres from Rock to Indie Pop, Folk to Funk, and Electronic to Hip Hop. Primarily In-The-Box mixing, with analog summing through a classic British console.
If you would like to add drive, feel and passion to your songs, let me record rhythmical instruments to it . I will upgrade your tracks playing with breathe, bringing life and taste to your music.
Voice over - Digital Media and Marketing, Radio Lebanon, Digital Journalist
Recent Successes
"Guy is really a professional in mixing. Our song is now well-balanced and radio-ready. Guy works very service-oriented and goes the extra mile. His unlimited revisions deal really worked for us and he never got tired ..."
"Saved my song!!!"
"Patrick was professional, timely and most importantly did great work. Very dependable. Has worked on several projects for me and it's always great stuff. "
"Liam is my absolute "go to" violinist as he's highly professional, he's very intuitive as to what sound I'm trying to achieve and, apart from that, he's a terrific violin player!"
"Show was incredible & super prompt with my project. He was constantly in contact & his writing was perfect for my song. I highly recommend him & I hope to work together again in the near future."
"Fred is great at his craft, knows exactly where to approach the issue and is also very fast. 10/10"
"If you're looking for someone to take your songs to the next level, look no further than Max! He's a true master of his craft. He brought out things in the mix that I could never have accomplished on my own. The songs..."