Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with swaggy
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I’ve ghostwritten and recorded vocals for chart-topping hits such as the track "Boom Boom Pow" featuring Afrojack, which has racked up millions of streams worldwide! Working alongside some of the biggest names in the industry, I've been the secret voice and pen behind countless anthems. Ready to hear what I can do for your next project?
Entrusted for over a decade by music supervisors, studio engineers and producers. Genre ranging from EDM Pop R&B and Hip Hop. Recording artist whose songs have aired on TV, Radio, and feature Film.
Expert vocalist catering to many genres: I've worked with tons of artists and producers; DJ's like BORGORE, Caspr; Pop artists like Gavin Haley (+15M Streams), singer songwriters like Tim Riehm (+3M Streams) & have my own artist project under Ellrod that has garnered 60k monthly listeners! Whatever your vocal needs, I got you! Quick Turnarounds!
Want your song to be professionally mixed and mastered?
music producer making swaggy b,pierre Bourne, old playboi carti type beats
Expert vocalist catering to many genres: I've worked with tons of artists and producers; DJ's like Afrojack; Pop artists like Cyrus Villanueva (+10M Streams) & have my own artist project under BOBI ANDONOV that has garnered 200k monthly listeners! Whatever your vocal needs, I got you! Quick Turnarounds!
Recent Successes
"Little was amazing to work with. Super friendly & really catered to my needs!"
"5/5, Rob does an amazing job every time!!! He is my go-to mix+mastering engineer. He is super talented and experienced, thanks again!"
"Conor comes up with the most beautiful, heart-warming melodies you'll have heard in years. His music is so pure and golden, it's a true privilege to be able to collaborate with him! I wish there were 6 stars to gi..."
"mark did it again perfect on the 1st go"
"Audio WMC delivers a pro-level mix and master with a fast turnaround and great communication. Will goes all out to work with you to make your song come alive. I plan to use him again and recommend him to others. "
"Adam was very considerate of the direction and stylistic decisions I had regarding my vision and expectations. Was extremely pleased with his willingness to press through even some of the most difficult challenges in ..."
"Sam has single-handedly saved my entire album. I was having difficulty finding a mixer who could handle a project with different genres and varying track counts, but Sam was the best- HANDS DOWN. He has a clear and in..."