Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sven - The Days Pass
I am an Audio Engineer, Music Producer, Mixing Engineer, and Composer who has over eight years of producing and engineering for independent bands and artists. I have work experience at Electric Lady Studios. I have graduated from Drexel University's Music Industry Program, studying Audio Engineering and Music Production at Drexel University.
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Focal Audio provides live sound production for festivals, tours, corporate, and private events. Our technical staff are here to help you create a memorable experience. Whether you need multi-zone conference audio, state-of-the-art line array concert systems, or outdoor-friendly festival PA systems, we can have a solution for you.
Bhrigu Parashar is all about music. His interest and skill set in music is till an extent that he can create a professional music album from the scratch on his own (e.g.: Lyrics and songwriting till, Mastering the tracks). He strongly believes that independent music just like western society, should be appreciated and develop more in India.
"Music is not only a passion but a way of life. It can help express the truth in many ways when words fail to do so" I specialize in feeling. If I sense a vibe, then I follow my intuition and allow it to help me produce something spectacular. Consistency is key, along with self-honesty and a good sense of vision.
Pop & EDM Producers / Singer / Songwriter We elevate your music! Monkey - Style ;-)
I am a Rapper and song writer if you need help with a song hit me up I will Rap fir your song or Ghost write for you.
2021 had a song in the top 10 in the UK Club Commercial Pop chart. Songwriter based in Surrey, England. I write meaningful melodic pop/indie songs for everyday people who want to feel a connection. My lyrics have a hint of the Kinks’ Ray Davies to them. Able to write solo or co-write.
Experienced songwriter and a recording artist with voice that projects personality, energy and charisma
Multi gold mixing and mastering engineer! Greatings, I'm a mixing and mastering engineer for 7 years with a degree. I love my job and love to work with people who pasionate about their projects.
Recent Successes
"Splendid attention to detail once again. I can hear all the instrumentation with more clarity and nuance after having the master.. a lot of body and warmth added. Highly recommend Mike for your mastering needs. Also v..."
"Leo did an amazing job! He re-harmonized a song and it is quite simply fantastic. His understanding of music theory and his ability to understand the emotion required is really off the charts."
"Superior vocals Excellent timing "
"Michael has a combination of qualities that make him a truly great singer and collaborator. I hired him for 4 different songs and he exceeded my expectations on all, and really gave me his best in the most respectful..."
"My first thought was that Richard’s vocal sounded like a final record. His voice is clearly incredible and unique but he interpreted the song so well and made excellent, subtle decisions in phrasing and timing, while ..."
"It was a pleasure working with Emma. She's a professional. Great & fast communication and great personality."
"This was my second project with Darrell and all I can say is Darrell is the man! There is a reason he has 10 grammies. Professional and the best mix. Period!"
"Joe was excellent! Very quick and professional. Also, a top notch whistler. Would highly recommend. "