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World Surround 5.1 Mixing in world and world
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A professional musician, arranger, music content writer, educator. 🎸 Pro Guitarist/Rock/Pop/Blues/Soul/R&B/Gospel/Jazz/Country/Acoustic/Musical Theater
Let me work my magic on your music! Want a transparent, but rich & warm master? I'm your guy. Need someone to add some creative effects to your stems & mix it all together to be ready for release? I'm also your guy! 15+ years of experience and counting, I've put well over 15,000+ hours into music production as a whole & am ready to kick some ass!
Papers Lead is a team of professional writers that help students deal with all kinds of academic assignments.
I've been making music for 14 years, I mostly produce EDM these days but have experience with many other genres.
I'm a mixing engineer driven by the passion to make your records sound incredible
Award winning songwriter, producer, composer.
Pro Male Vocalist from successful band
Recent Successes
"Alexandros did a great job! He did some kind of new way of mastering, but, i gotta say, that i was impressed by the quality of sound. He's total professional, and i'm so happy with the result :) big respect to Greece!))"
"Paul did a perfect mastering service and he was putting all his effort in it to get 100% out of it "
"I have done quite a lot of work with Bruno. These are the first vocals I have done with him. He is a consummate professional with great taste who surrounds himself with excellent musicians. Can't recommend him more st..."
"Chuck brought so much life to my songs and he gave the songs exactly what it needed! I found the drummer for my future songs."
"Ken did a very professional job as always with this project. Will continue working with him as go-to mix engineer for sure. Thanks Ken!"
"Great job from Ezel! Patient, flexible, professional. Understood what the track needed and delivered. Thanks for lifting the track! :)"
"very good songwriter and singer!"