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Surround 5.1 Mixing in San Diego Way
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Hi, my name is Guilherme Lopes, I am 27 years old and I am Portuguese. I am a professional electronic musician and a sound designer for every platforms. As a person I defend to be as simple as I can but meticulous. When talking about work I am very professional and have a lot of professional brio. Hit me up if you want to sound good.
I'm a jack of all trades and I want to make your music sound its best!
Will deliver industry premium melody, lyrics, bars, and vocals. For all inquiries press the contact button above.
Give me the pleasure of working with you and your lyrics, melody, and/or backing tracks. I have understanding of song structure and flow, can write or finish your lyrics, write and craft your instrumental, sing catchy toplines, tight harmonies; have vocal technique and musicianship at my core.
Ready to elevate your music to new heights? Our expert production services are here to transform your creative vision into captivating soundscapes. Whether you're an emerging artist or an established talent, let's collaborate with our passionate team and let's craft sonic artistry that resonates with your audience.
I'm Arseniy, an audio engineer driven by a passion to bring an artist's project to life while honouring their distinctive sound. I firmly believe every artist has a unique identity and my goal is to ensure your music embodies just that.
Rookie Mastering is an award winning, high-end mixing and mastering studio in the heart of one of the wildest cities in the world - Berlin.
Unique artistic interpretation
Recent Successes
"Merges has top quality ideas and is very professional and easy to work with. She was able to take an idea to the next level and bring it to life. I look forward to working with her again soon! "
"Matt is very patient, understanding, professional and really GOOD with his work! He helped bring my vision to life through his mix, and I couldn’t have asked for any better. I would recommend Matt any day. He’s your guy!"
"Always a pleasure working with Rob. Nothing but good things. Thanks for being so detail-oriented and awesome, Rob!"
"I don't know what else I can say about Ashley except the fact she's a gift from the heavens above! I've worked with her on quite a few projects now and she's simply the best. That's all there is to say!"
"Liyah is such an amazing and fast musician. I was very pleased with her work and attention to detail with my project. She really outdid herself with my song and I am happy with what the track I received. So profession..."
"Great work on a difficult song full of fast blast beats, double bass and hard drum fills. Alex also added some of his drum expertise to make everything in the song flow much better than in the demo track. "
"Chris is simply the best! Very professional, gives you the best vocal performance your song could ever ask for."
"Brandon is the best, he always comes through with dope basslines, I highly recommend!!!"