Surround 5.1 Mixing in Beijing
I used to be ghost producer with 1000,000,000 plays, writing tracks for Skrillex, Marshmello, Diplo and etc. I can make crazy Hiphop/EDM/Dubstep/Future bass track, also soundtracks for films. I graduated from Beijing Film Academy, has 10 years producing and mixing backgrounds for 2.0, 5.1,7.1, Dolby Atoms..
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First impressions are everything! What good is having strong lyrics, killer arrangement, and a compelling storyline if no one can FEEL the music? Let's help carry you to the finish line with the song of your dreams!
Want your songs to sound good ? Give a try and send me your tracks.
If you are into sweet poetic lyrics then I'm the songwriter for you! Lets work together to bring out the very words you can't seem to find or the feelings you would like to express! You may be loss for words but not lost in heart.
Producer/Recording engineer I turn songs into vibes and vibes into hits.
Finalist of the TV project Voice of Ukraine. I write samples, hooks, melodies and songs. I record backing vocals and give singing lessons.
Have a listen to my work and you'll know if I'm your guy.
Analog mastering, experienced engineer..
Major Artist, Audio Engineer.
Recent Successes
"Julia is Great!!! Very professional... And works in timely with awesome results... Will definitely be using her on future projects"
"Fantastic work! Ethan rocked this track totally out. Very quick and most of all professional!"
"James did everything to complete the job successfully. Thank you James !"
"Guy is awesome!!"
"A real pro Always a pleasure "
"Davi is awesome! He went above and beyond what I ordered and in a very timely manner. He's a really personable guy and a great player. Fab communication too!"
"What a treat working w/ Abriel! Just a terrific job turning trumpet solo for this song. Sent two versions and both were/are great! Thank you Abriel!"
"Working with Rioux V was the best!!! He added exactly what I was looking for to give something totally different, for a remix to my original song’s version. It turned out so incredible!!! Rioux is truly talented and I..."
"Offered two options of ideas, which goes a long way. Very open to changes as well, even when I changed the instrumental from major to minor. Will be hiring again."