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Surround 5.1 Mixing in 35800 Saint-Lunaire
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I will produce your custom trap, hip-hop, afrobeat, or drill music. I'm here to produce tracks for you and I will happily work from a specific BPM, KEY or tracks you might have as inspiration.
Originally from Manchester, UK. Developing a passion for music as a teenager I went on to study audio engineering and sound design. A few years later I was lucky enough to have signed a record deal that opened up many opportunities for myself to develop in industry.
My song 'Do What' is still hitting the charts worldwide. That was before I really discovered my voice.
World Class Industry Grade Mixing & Mastering. Friendly Service. Delivered within 24 hours guaranteed.
I am a self taught producer over the last 7 years, and have been producing mixing and mastering my own and others music across many electronic based genres.
I can write music to order, I take orders for mixing an already finished mix, mastering
Multi-Award winning Music Director, Producer and Film composer. Travis Scott, Don Toliver, Dj Khaled, Rhianna, and many more… www.hivefi.us
Eclectic music ranging from Ambient, Cinematic, Jazz to Heavy genres. Sounds beyond imagination.
Recent Successes
"Fred is a nice,very proffesional young lad,based in Denmark our favourite neighbour country. He`s gonna get far ! When I have the next track ready & mixed by a professional in front,the result is gonna be great ! ..."
"This is my 2nd time working with Malachi because he's great at what he does and he sends results quickly. I'm thrilled with this project and I can't wait for the 3rd, 4th, 100th time working with him!"
"Rachel made this process super easy! She’s very talented and very professional and I would love to work with her again in the future!"
"Couldn't rate Rebecca highly enough, needed a singer/songwriter for my project and she worked with my ideas, made the process easy and exceeded all expectations with the end product. Would happily recommend and work w..."
"Super amazing vocalist can only recommend her - pls support this amazing singer! 11/10"
"Amazing player beyond great man legendary player"
"Great mix as always "
"Dan did a brilliant job on my project. He delivered every chord and every note with superb intentionality, elevating the quality of the music to the highest standard. I certainly recommend Dan and will hire him for fu..."
"I‘ve been working with Luke for almost a year now. I‘m not exaggerating when I say that his work was a gamechanger for me. He‘s exceptional when it comes to taking the essence of my ideas, infusing it with his own g..."