Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Surfrider
I love helping artists get the sound out of their head--to capture that magic spark on tape--to not just have the track sound incredible, but to enjoy the process and to help artists learn and grow, so the next songs are even better.
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I am a singer & songwriter with 15+ years of experience singing, writing and arranging vocals in a variety of genres and styles. I have career experience as both a contemporary pop recording artist and a conservatory trained classical singer .
Our team has worked on projects for Epic Records, Chance the Rapper, Peter Cottontail, Jussie Smollett and Netflix. NYC, Chicago and Los Angeles are our three main hubs and we work with an extensive network of musicians and studios on prouduction as well as artist development.
I love helping artists get the sound out of their head--to capture that magic spark on tape--to not just have the track sound incredible, but to enjoy the process and to help artists learn and grow, so the next songs are even better.
I am a producer that is passionate about music and sound design. I usually produce music within the genres of trap/edm/hyperpop/rock/punk music, but I am proficient with almost any genre and I love to experiment! I have a strong interest in the engineering side of things as well and I will gladly mix and master your song for you for a fair price!
Beatmaker and Classic Hip Hop producer
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From working with Joey Bradford of multi-platinum rock band The Used, all the way to Chart Topping Swedish DJ KAAZE; I've always had a great time writing top-lines for many different genres of music. My journey has taken my songs from my home studio to clubs & festivals all around the world. Song is king & I look forward to helping you craft yours!
Recent Successes
"He brought my artist's song to a new level, was very professional and helpful. Great listener and extremely collaborative. Definitely would recommend."
"Amazing quality and quick turnaround! I will definitely work with Adam again soon."
"Josiah did an incredible job laying down percussion for a project I'm working on. He was very professional and thorough with everything. I'd highly recommend him to anyone. "
"Taylor is an A lister! you will be so happy working with him. Always creative, professional, and helpful!"
"Chris did a fantastic job. His really got a feel for the vibe I was going for and delivered the perfect guitar arrangement, I will definitely work with him again. "
"Very happy with my request, record drums myself my snare drum sound huge 😀"
"Dennis is a fantastic musician and goes above and beyond to deliver high quality tracks! He was such a pleasure to work with and I will definitely be a repeating customer!! "
"Vauw. What can I say that´s not already been said. Simon is the best. That is for shure. Try him out. ou´ll never change again. I´m defenately not. 💕"