Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Supreme Lyrick
Quality is king. If you need that final touch to make your dream a reality join us for the ride. We specialize in all listed above. Credits can speak volumes but results speak louder. Is it just a dream or you want it to be your reality?
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I've worked on songs and cues on 75+ different TV Shows, Films and Commercials. I can help you write, record, program, edit, mix and master, or any one of those pieces you might need a little help with. I love to take what you've made at any stage in the process and help you shape it into a placeable piece of art.
I am an excellent songwriter and producer. I have specialized through the years in co-writing with recording artists. I’ve been hired to write all over the country from LA/Miami/New York city in many major label studios. I write/produce in all styles including Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop and Rock. Some studies included Hit Factory, Pulse, Devine Mill
Let’s make a Hit.
Mixing and Mastering Engineer with over 15 years experience. Studied Recording Technology in Canada. I have worked with Universal Records France in the capacity of producer and mix engineer on a single for one of their artistes. I have a wide appreciation for music and can bring your songs to life through technical ability and creative vision.
I write and produce my own music on all platforms as a college student. I know the ins and outs of taking a song and making it impressive to the ear. I also won't charge as much as everyone else!
Electronic Music Production and Education based in Detroit. Focus is on the creative and technical use and application of Logic Pro X, Ableton Live, and other popular tools, effects and instruments.
I've had songs on major radio, NBC, MTV and many more. I combine classic analog outboard gear with modern plug-ins to deliver you high-quality, radio ready mixes. I love all facets of mixing and production but consider my vocal and drum techniques top notch.
Hi, I'm a professional session saxophonist / arranger dedicated to making quality work to fit the needs of your song. Specializing in Soprano sax, Alto sax, Tenor sax, Flute, Clarinet, and arrangements to enhance your music. Additionally, I can provide a complete horn section and arrangements for you.
Recent Successes
"This man is a genius at his craft. And he’s so nice, helpful and professional. Everything I asked him to do, he did it precisely and with extreme quickness! I’m always working with Elliot! "
"Work with Candace right now. You can get her fabulous creations.:D"
"Brandon was an absolute pleasure to work with! He went above and beyond and produced an amazing result. Highly recommend working with him! "
"Lachi is an amazing singer and at the same time a very easy-going person to communicate with. Her vocals are brilliant!"
"This was my fourth time working with Andres on a mastering job and this was the fourth time I was excited by the results. I hope to work with him soon again. Thanks Andres. Best, Lyle"
"Quick turn around, good quality, friendly, been go to for techno masters I'd like done by unbiased ears. Good experience all around. "
"Awesome to work with. Everything I was looking for he did. Would definitely work with him again. Loved the final product he gave me"
"Incredible experience with Jorm. He delivered above and beyond. Super responsive, fast and easy to work with. Will absolutely work with him again. "
"Its all amazing to work with Kyle again my go to groove master as always never fails to delevier even complex drum grooves and percussion, He put the glue in the bottom end with tasty fills. Great work "