Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Suite Revolver
Playing different instruments makes me understand the feeling in the song
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With over 10 years of experience, clients include an array of award-winning artists such as Meghan Trainor, Iggy Azalea, The Chainsmokers, Johnny Gill, Eric Benet and many more.
R&B / Soul / Afrobeat | Placements on HBO Max, Netflix, BBC, Amazon Prime | New Music Friday, Fresh Finds, R&B X and iTunes charts | 12,500,000 streams and counting. I've been producing records professionally for 11 years, and I love it more and more each day. Let's get things DONE.
I live to play music.
I'm musician, composer, producer, arranger for bands and strings and record electric and acoustic guitar.
I'm a guitarist, singer, songwriter, and producer from Dublin, Ireland.
I am a musician, composer, singer, and producer. I believe music is a way to communicate and express our deepest feelings, so I will always do my best to give you the original touch all artists so desperately need.
Shape your IDEA into MUSIC at Hearhudson Studio.
Recent Successes
"Fred was a good guy to work with! Even though I am new to this website he was patient with me and everything went smooth in the end!"
"Faraz is a great person to work with, I was very impressed with his professionalism, understanding of requirements, prompt project updates, and finally creation of amazing music. I would definitely reach out to Faraz ..."
"Rachel went above and beyond! Her cello and vocal performances brought our song to the next level. She was super responsive, easy to work with and brought some great ideas to the table. Looking forward to working with..."
"This is our second song together. As this relationship grows I'm sure my sound will continually improve. Especially with the help of Giuliani and Moscetti. Many more songs to come from these guys leading to my first a..."
"This person is very informative & has got lot of patience. He makes it sure that his clients are completely satisfied & not left with any doubts. I truly recommend him for his professionalism & great talent in mixing. "
"Fantastic drummer and extremely professional on final output. It was an honor to work with such a talented individual such as Dylan!"
"Marcello is one of the best vocalists I ever worked with. You wouldn't believe his range and his versatile abilities. Super easy to work with guy, a great person and a real pro. If you want stand out heavy metal / roc..."
"It's been an absolute pleasure working with Kate. She went above and beyond helping me get the most out of my track and elevate it onto the next level. Her feedback was clear with great examples, suggestions, and ac..."
"Gosteffects provide a clean mix/master for my song with a short turnaround! Great job on the mix/master. I would highly recommend! "