Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with sugarcoat.
I'm Austin Gordon, and I run Commonwealth Mastering, a dedicated, fully independent mastering studio. My reason to be here is simple – to give back what the gift of sound has given to me. Your work is my work, and that means that whatever it takes to make it sound like you want it to, I will do.
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Makhail Grey is a Former Full Sail Student with nearly three years of mixing for artists in Hip-Hop, Trap, Pop, Metal and Country. His main goal is to make sure your vocals are optimized to the fullest and your message is heard through the process of editing, tuning, vocal mixing, etc.
I've worked with Shawty Lo, SOB Kam, and Ace Xartel
I want to connect your music to people. Capture the mind, move the body, awaken the soul. Notable credits: Lecrae, Sarah Simmons, Terrian Bass, and Carolina Story
I release my own music as Tarn PK and have over 1.6 million streams on Spotify. I produce, write, record and mix all my music. I love creating rich sonic worlds for your song to live in and want to help your song find the best version of itself.
Hey, I'm a professional producer, songwriter, and mixing engineer. My speciality is modern Pop, rock & indie pop music. Worked with Evyatar banai, naor carmi, maor shooshan, and more
Hi I'm Hamza. I'm a professional music producer, vocal producer and audio engineer. I'm here to help you build the record of your dreams. Relying on my years of experience as music producer in LA, I'll try my best to highlight your artistry, and listen to your needs, and make songs you'll be proud to show to the world. Let's get to work !
I am looking for a professional Song Writer
Hi there! I’m Eros Sangre, a vocal and music producer with over 15 years of musical experience. I specialize in innovative sounds. genre-bending the future of sonics in hip-hop, pop, R&B.
Recent Successes
"You were very good to understand what I was looking for, and you did it in the best way! Nice and helpful, I could not find a better singer !!! Thanks thanks thanks!!! ; D"
"Another track completed, Austin’s very professional and still one of the best I’ve worked with!"
"Marcelo is an excellent performer with wide knowledge of different woodwind instruments. Loved how easy it was to work with Marcelo on this project and can't wait for more."
"This was my first experience here and Gabor just nailed it. Awesome tone, energy and attitude combined with musicality he played what my song needed! And he was really really fast also!"
"Worked hard on recording some tricky sections I'd requested from my laptop demos - great sound, would definitely recommend!"
"Fantastic as always. Did an amazing job making a somewhat compromised audio source sound radio-ready. Also incredibly helpful with surrounding questions and very generous with his knowledge. Thank you so much!"
"One of the best. Hire him if you have a song you love but can't crack the sound you're going for. He's super friendly and cares about the final output. Highly recommend"
"What more can I say about Emanuel's evocative playing and professional flexibility? I feel like I strike gold every time I do a project with him."
"sounds great!"