Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Subspace 87
Electronic and ambient musician, Alain Héroux, awakens connotations of terror, sadness, and despair with organic authenticity. Blending genres like Dungeon Synth, Vaporwave, Chillwave and Dark Ambient to create an enchanting and addictive timbre.
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Composer, producer, guitarist, drummer
I'm a professional pianist, keyboardist and arranger based in Siracusa, Italy. My background lays mainly in Jazz/R&B styles, although I like to experiment with various genres and different keyboard instruments. I run my own recording studio, where I compose, arrange and record music.
You want a score for your film or custom made production music for your project? Need help arranging your Singer Songwriter EP? I offer composing & music production as a one-stop service. My references reach from "Sesame Street" to the best known German TV format "Tatort".
My name is Jack Longman and I make records for bands and artists. My passion is helping people record and release the music that they love.
My experience lies in assisting aspiring music producers and artist with personal projects.
I will give you the best mixing and mastering of international standards at relatively cheaper rate. I make world class beats also, and I'll do your work until you're satisfied with it.
Hey, I'm Matthew Adam Green. Lead Singer-Songwriter/Guitarist & Producer of Fool Child & Matthew Adam Green. Get in touch for help with your song, my services include recording vocals, guitars, songwriting and mixing.
Vocalist/ Songwriter/ Producer who specializes in Pop/Hip-Hop & EDM vocals for hire! Opened for Hopsin, Merkules & Madchild & have numerous tracks with Montana White!
Recent Successes
"Matty is the man. He's tough to beat in terms of response time, work product quality, and attending to your needs in terms of service. He was helpful dealing with issues I could not explain to him very well, and under..."
"Thank you TVS for working with me. This vocal was in a different language and TVS made it sound perfect!"
"The Crushboys are totally amazingly creative and I can't wait to do many more songs with them..."
"Great Masters, and so quick to respond each time I had questions. Awesome experience per usual."
"Always a pleasure to work with, absolute legend. "
"I've used Alex's services a few times now, and this last one was the most excited I've been about receiving a master. He offered two versions both with different characteristics, and we worked together to find the per..."
"I enjoyed the work Carmen did on the melody for my track so much that I'm thinking of asking her to sing it for me now! She worked speedily and tirelessly to get me the melody I was after and was a pleasure to work with."
"Wes is informative. He is the definition of professionalism and a true example of how one should establish a relationship with their client, as well as a great representative of the SoundBetter community. He is a very..."