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Reggaeton String Arranger who worked with #reggaeton
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David v.R Bowles formed Swineshead Productions, LLC as a classical recording production company in 1995. His recordings have been GRAMMY-nominated (Classical - Best Orchestral Performance) and won the “Classical Orchestral Album” prize (Just Plain Folks Awards).
Hi everyone! I'm front-end developer. I like logic tasks, programming, website design. I self-motivated person. I like to achieve my goals.I am experts in certified professional resume writers for many people, especially for students. I work in IT company and interview a large number of people.
I've been a session guitarist for over 10 years, professionalized in Pop / Jazz / R&B / Hip-Hop / Funk. Also I'm a producer specialized in arrangements, meaning if you have lyrics and melody I could develop it into a whole song.
I am an alternative folk mixing and mastering specialist and session musician with skills in guitar and vocals. I also create custom royalty free music for clients.
Music & Sound Library Production
+ 25 years of experience touring and recording with TOP artist, like JJ Lin, Beyonce, Lady Gaga , Mary J, Blige, Will Smith , LL Cool J and more www.kernbrantleymusic.com visit my website for more information. Click the Contact button above to talk to me about playing on your song, Looking forward to working on your project,
Équipée d’une des meilleures conversions analogique et possesseur de la seule et unique console NEVE 5088 unique en France, le studio Sounder se démarque par son cadre sonore unique.
Make your ideas LOUD and CLEAR. My priority is to provide professional results, mixing technical and artistic decisions for success in the nowadays music business standards. Wherever you are an artist investing for its carreer or a music producer who want to hire a professional, an audio engineer can save you too much time.
Recent Successes
"John is a super PRO! Embraced my song and made it his. Sincerely enjoyed working with John and without a doubt, will be working with him again very soon. Thank you John!"
"What Gëkkø brought to the table really surprised us. In a single stroke he was able to turn a song of ours into something so much more than it was before. It was like an injection of energy and inspiration. We're supe..."
"Amazing as usual!"
"I've worked with Chandler on two projects now and both have turned out extremely well! It really feels like he cares about the songs and has injected emotion and colour in just the right amounts. Highly recommended!"
"Denny is amazing, timely, and came back great the first take"
"Paul did an amazing recording a piano track for one of my songs. Thank you for your talent and time. I hope to work with you again in the future."