Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Stormi Day
I am Quick, Precise, and Through. I believe in open communication with my clients.
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I can tackle any song thrown at me and make them sound better.
Professional full-time singer/songwriter in Los Angeles.
Whatever it takes - as little or as much- to get your song the best it can be. Although drum machines make mixing easier, expert at mixing real drums and instruments. Click the songs to see what I mean.
Let a grammy nominated producer/mixing engineer put that analog feel on your Lofi and Jazzhop beats. Radio/Spotify/AppleMusic Ready.
Dance Music (Future House/Tech House/Bass House/Deep House/Pop) producer, mixing engineer, mastering engineer
I may only be 17 years old but you'll love my heartbreak songs, and lots of you will be able to relate to my stories.
My specialties are the Compressor, channel EQ, Pitch correction and Space designer!
Hello! I am a Spotify published artist, with 150,000 combined streams (total of all platforms). I am willing to write lyrics and melodies for people! Let me know what style you are looking for, and we can work together.
Recent Successes
"Jonas is a fantastic drummer!!! He will make your songs Rock!!! He worked on my entire album and more and every song rocks! I could have left a review for every song so multiply this review times 10!!!! "
"Patrick has a very hands-on approach, getting totally stuck into the creative options. Using these visuals will really elevate my track. He was very open-minded and excellent at interpreting my relatively open-end..."
"I needed Mike to Master a single track for our latest project. It was a very raw project. I appreciated his honesty throughout the entire process. The master really brought out the performances. "
"Tim was right voice for this song. As others mentioned its the timber in his vocals that make him special. I give him 5 stars."
"Another great master with a quick turnaround time and no trouble at all. I will definitely be working with Andres again in the near future."
"I am working on a collection of songs this year. If you've come here to read about Fred and trying to make a decision, dont think about it anymore. He is simply the best engineer out there who will turn your songs in..."
"AMAZING. Can't recommend any more"
"Great to work with Markiss, brought a really choesive sound together to make the track tight but huge, true EDM! Listened to all my revisions and got it done within my short timescale"