Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Stevi M
Hi, I'm Adam. I'm a producer, mixer, and musician based out of Minneapolis, MN. I've been playing music and writing songs for 20+ years. I want to help other musicians take their music to the next level. There is nothing more satisfying than hearing your songs come to life in the studio
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For any Available Project be it for TV,Radio ...etc
In the ever-changing music industry, one lucrative avenue still available to new and emerging artists is film and TV placements. From the initial stages of songwriting, to the sonic sculpting necessary for sync placements, Chris Ray Productions can bring your music to life.
Missing that one element to make your song stand out? Hire Jack Marcin to help you produce and highlight your song
Hi, I’m Kristine! I’m a GRAMMY-award winning cellist, strings + horns arranger, and an orchestral producer. For the last few years, I've created countless orchestral opportunities within the pop and RnB community both onstage and in-studio. I truly believe that an orchestra is not exclusive to the classical world, and that anything is possible!
Multi Platinum Producer and Mix Engineer based in Miami FL Specialize in Hip Hop, RnB and Latin music. -- Credits -- Suicidal - YNW Melly Me or Sum - Nardo Wick, Future, Lil Baby Work That - Megan Thee Stallion Relación Rota - Myke Towers Lick - Shenseea, Megan Thee Stallion Don't Cry - XXXTentacion, Lil Wayne
I will mix and master your song!
Peter is a multi platinum selling musician with his band Candlebox, and has toured the world. Candlebox also opened for bands such as Living Colour, Rush and Metallica as well as selling out arenas on their own
Letrista , compositor , soy creador de temas para artistas y marcas comerciales. Indicame la tematica , el genero yo puedo hacerlo ...
Recent Successes
"It's my second time working with Jake. He is great! Very talented. I only look for high quality vocals like his. He is the man!"
"As a repeat client I’m already aware of the perfect quality delivered by Kristal. What still amazes me is she’s providing more than you need and expect, thus you can make choices and have a lot of material to work wi..."
"Austin took my track to a whole new level!!!! Highly Recommend!!! Probably one of the best mixing and mastering engineers you will ever find!!!! "
"Hugo is a groove machine that always knows the right part to play!"
"You can't go wrong with Sakari, surely one of the top vocalists here. A richly textured voice with power, versatility, and an emotive delivery. Also a true professional! Highly recommended for anyone needing a top-tie..."
"I cant remember how many Tracks Chuck & I have worked on, for well over a year - and I may be repeating myself now - but the bottom line is: HE IS THE BEST - If you needs drums Do NOT look elsewhere."
"Excellent collaborator! Very professional and organized; great communication. Provided several variations, all in raw, dry and wet versions. Even provided extra background vocals and harmonies that were beyond the ori..."
"I have been so impressed by Yoad's skill of interpreting my sometimes strange revision notes into exactly what I was looking for. I guess this comes from his wealth of experience in this game but I certainly was an as..."