Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2: “Crazy Chocobo.” Mixing and Mastering. (2012)
Audio Engineer. Mixing/Mastering, Editing. Credits include: -Square Enix. Final Fantasy XIII-2: “Crazy Chocobo.” Mixing and Mastering. (2012) -Tony Underwood. Tone Poem 1 And Your Tuba Too, Tony! “A New Shore (feat. Jesper Kristensen).” A2. (2011) -P.D.P. “Mass Delusion.” Additional Engineering. (2011)
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Im Oliver Ramirez, i like to mix and produce electronic music, i have experience mixing latin bands and producing and mixing personal projects, which a lot of people say are pleasing to hear.
I like creating sounds , especially if you are down to create a alternative wave . I am also a graphic designer so if you are interested in creating cover art.
Gwen Stefani/ CeeLo Green/ Lauren Jauregui/ Big Sean/ Laura Pausini
I am hungry!!! I want to make your artistic vision come true. With years of experience and still learning I believe WE can do it!!! In this journey of being an audio engineer for 7 years and counting, I've worked with talent like Warren Haynes and the band Ghostnote and many more. And I want to use what I learned on your next mix.
Nuestros expertos te aconsejarán cual de todos nuestro complementos combinan mejor con tu traje para el evento al que vas a asistir.
The solution for all you audio needs, from editing to audio repair, mixing and mastering. Work with a person who has an extensive musical background and an in depth understanding of different musical styles.
Do you need Bass for your music? Any style of music, I've got you covered!
From having his songs used in hit Netflix originals ("Love is Blind", "Love Island", etc.) to writing for Sony India on songs that have reached over 10 million views, Josh Sahunta has been working tirelessly as a producer, songwriter, vocalist and guitar player for over 10 years.
Recent Successes
"Once again Killian Killian knocked the ball right out of the park. I had been struggling with this song for years, trying to figure out how it should sound like. Killian came up with something fantastic, and words can..."
"I get the feeling that when Zoltan was baby he had a bottle in one hand and a bass in the other. Nice instinct on this one with nothing to go on but a single guitar track!"
"Ruby is a true professional with excellent communication, not to mention, a beautiful voice!"
"Amazing voice! Working with Rosanna was a great pleasure for me. I'm incredibly happy with what we ended up with and I just can't wait for my audience to hear it 👍 If you have any doubts I tell you in secret, that you..."
"I reached Ariel to bring my track to the next level. He did vocal tuning, time alignment, beat, and lead vocals, add libs stems mixing and mastering + delivered mastered song, acapella track, acapella track clean ver..."
"Very friendly and attentive to any concerns. We will work with her again in the future."
"SEBs are incredibly talented people~ SEB made my music reborn~"
"Awesome voice and great to work with! Highly Recommend"
"I highly recommend Stephen. Very professional and delivers every time! "
"Brittany is superb and knows exactly what to do. She is an amazing talent! "