Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Space Goon
Hey guys, my name is Frederick, but you can call me Freddy. I've been a mix engineer/producer for 15 years or so. I graduated audio school in 2012. Reach out to me and let's talk!
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More providers:
Beatmaker, Editing, Mixing and Mastering Engineer
A well rounded and versatile music producer.
Contact me, there's a good chance I do what you need or know someone who does
I am focused on providing my clients the absolute best in mixing and mastering. Having worked with the likes of Gin Blossoms, Ed Sheeran, American Authors, and more I trust my naturally gifted ears, extensive experience with the recording process, custom studio, plus my analog and digital gear to help bring artists' work to its true potential.
I have produced, engineered, mixed, mastered, edited, arranged, and composed for artists in all genres. I am a Berklee College of Music graduate with a BA in Contemporary Writing & Production.
I'm a producer and composer for films and videogames, I have a degree in Applied Music at Saint Louis College of Music. Since I was child I'm a guitar player but I'm leaving live performance in favor of producing, mixing, mastering and every work behind the scenes.
Tired of boring guitars? Unique guitar arrangements: acoustic & electric, lead & rhythm: specializing in ambient, spacey, twinkly guitars. I want to help make your song shine! Do your vocals need love? Professional (manual) vocal editing, comping and tuning -- no "auto-tune" sounding vocals -- unless that's what you're going for!
Si necesitas un Dentista infantil de confianza, puedes dejarte asesorar por esta clínica dental, donde tus niños estarán en las mejores manos. Somos especialistas en odontopediatría Badalona, para tratar a niños.
Recent Successes
"franZ is absolutely phenomenal! I have worked on multiple projects with him and he always delivers. He is a joy to work with. A true professional."
"Working with Mickey was a dream come true. The type of talent she has is unmatched and she was able to really bring the type of vibe I wanted to the song. Looking forward to working with her again in the future! "
"Rasmus delivered big time, on a song that I knew wasn't easy to pull off. He nailed it. So...great vocals, perfect audio quality, fast delivery and good dialog. What more can you ask for😊"
"Honestly one of the best topliners I've worked with on here. Sunnie's performance is always filled with emotion and her writing is unreal. Highly recommend!!!"
"We've used Christian again on another track and continue to be blown away by his incredible vocals. Christian is incredibly versatile and puts his heart into every performance. This site is blessed to have such an ama..."
"Amazing communication, speedy replies, and I love the topline and lyrics Seth has written for me! Will definitely want to work again with him for sure!!"
"I had the pleasure of collaborating again with Dave, and his contribution was remarkable. His playing added depth and richness to the composition and his professionalism made the collaboration a breeze. I highly recom..."
"my first work with Chase and it was a pleasure 4 me working with Chase! 👍#QualityWork #YouGetWhatYouPayFor ... great vocal production and communicative! I come back in 2-3 months to give Chase my next job"