Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SOUSEP
Hi, I'm professional musician. I can help you to create a song or a melody.
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Tape techniques and analogue synthesisers
I am mixing engineer specializing in extreme metal/punk/hardcore music.
I know what sounds good and can help you achieve that level of professionalism you're looking for.
I am a Mix/Master Engineer, Vocalist, and Songwriter. I have been Mixing professionally for 18 years, both Live, and Studio. I have worked with Major Artists like Maroon 5, Baby Face, Kirk Franklin, Tye Tribbett, Sheila E., 112, and many others in LIVE & Studio environments. My niche genres are R&B, POP, Gospel, Hip-Hip & Country.
Amazed by the soundscape of our surroundings, I'll turn an idea into something organic and pure, dirty and tough, delicate and beautiful. Show me what do you got, let's work together.
Ciao noi siamo Jurij e Elisa e insieme siamo JURISA
¨ La calidad y el sonido bien ejecutado es mi prioridad ¨ es una de las frases que entendí al momento de compartir: Aterciopelados, los autenticos decadentes entre otros Hola a todos bienvenidos a mi perfil donde me dedico hacer lo que mas me gusta y es ayudar a todos ustedes aportando ideas desde la batería Si necesitas creatividad QUEDATE AQUÍ!!
Recent Successes
"Was a pleasure working with Camilo. Very professional, easy to work with and the final product was superb. Muchas gracias "
"Always a pleasure to work with great artist and singer and will deliver with a quick turnaround time."
"Another amazing job done by Daniel! This guy is world class!"
"Been working with Matt for over 2 years now and he's been my guy for all things mixing and mastering. Always a pleasure working with him and his work on my latest track was incredible. "
"Fast communication. Top notch mix and master. A true pro. I highly recommend. "
"once again another great job of Bram! super professional and very responsive and collaborative. true pleasure to work with Bram "
"Fantastic vocalist! Great person to work with. Clear communication, quick work time, and a great final product! "
"Adam was awesome. He definitely made Fuzzy Fuzzy Wuznt Fuzzy a very polished, hyper overdriven bass pounding album! We utilized the Stem Mastering with Mastering to establish what we wanted and Adam took it to the nex..."