Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Souldacity
Over 15 years of experience in recording bands and mixing accoustic material. I approach a mix from the emotional side, trying to feel the song and its message and then using my recording and mixing skills and the toolset to make the most emotional impact possible. This makes it easy for me to see what the song needs.
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Get production form one of Dallas, Texas' best upcoming record producers and mixing engineers, Lambeau.
Musician, Sound Engineer - studio and live - Recording, Mixing and Live Mixing (FOH)
I do professional mastering, contact me!
Quality, professional mixing, mastering, and production for many genres. B.A. Music Technology from UMBC 21'. Experienced with digital, analog, and surround sound recording + mixing. Very experienced in variety of genres. Specialize in hip-hop/rap beats.
singer looking for prod
Versatile mixer / producer Dave Parsons fka Tarquin is known for distinctive and playful production, both on records and for image. He has worked with artists spanning Indie rock, Pop and Grime. His work has reached over quarter of a million listens and he works with vocalists from around the world as well as global brands such as Puma and Adidas.
Hip hop mixing and mastering for hard beats and punchy lyrics.
Recent Successes
"Jyi is highly talented. Really loved my last work with her. Hope i could do a lot of works together with Jyi. Justin. "
"Top notch production. I would definitely work with Arthur again and again! Finally, a producer who brought my music to life. "
"Matt is a consummate mix engineer, who puts thought into his mixes. And when asked, will give thoughtful feedback as an engineer as well as a producer. Talented, punctual, experienced, and kind. Not words you hear ..."
"judy did a short jazz piano solo on one of my songs and she was timely and so kind!! and it turned out perfect! highly recommend her "
"Fantastic player really captured the emotion i was after. 10/10 super quick!"
"Fantastic Vocalist! So glad to have worked with Brandon on this project. He truly brought the song to life. His dynamics are amazing - a true professional! I will definitely be working with him again."
"dope work look forward to work with again!"
"Stephen is an excellent singer and is very easy going and great to work with. He did a wonderful job with my song, and I would highly recommend him. Thanks again Stephen!"
"He has done a great job, takes my ideas perfectly and added his ideas on top of it to make it so dope!"