Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SnakeBlade
Enhance the sonic experience of your audio content with professional-grade audio mixing services tailored to your unique needs, ensuring clarity, balance, and immersive sound that captivates your audience.
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Joe Diorio, Jerry Bergonzi, Dave Santoro, Massimo Manzi, Acustica, Lovintresi, S.N.P., Filippo Destrieri (tastierista di Franco Battiato), Romantici Vagabondi, Valtur, Bei Matei, Davide Taloni, Luca Bonesi, Consuelo Orsingher, Gnukeig, Afrodisiaci, Sergio Lavia, Colours, Silver Skyline, Biglietto per l’Inferno ecc.
Let them Hear YOUR Music!
Multi-instrumentalist producer and vocalist. Extensive work with a large range of genres and instruments allows me to better take your ideas and turn them in to the product you desire. Past accomplishments include 2 EP's written, produced, mixed, and mastered front to back.
For More Music Search "JayEase" on YouTube/Spotify/AppleMusic. Pricing: "singer - male $100 songwriter - lyric (contact for pricing) and top liner (vocal melody) - contact for pricing 3-4 days turnaround.
You will be impressed with the result of your song! You will get excellent sound in a very short time
Hello I'm Alexa Nenad. Recording live drums / perc, also MIDI drum programming Drummer, percussionist, producer, arranger with 30 years of live and studio experience.
20+ years in Classical, Jazz, Pop and Gospel Keys, working full time in Film Scoring and Original Composition. International vocal competitions and national ranking, love working with harmonies and tracking.
Junior mixing engineer and producer (Metal music is my special), I can help you with songwriting and music production.
Recent Successes
"Great to work with, excellent results! Got everything nailed on the first take! Would love to work with Eric again! "
"Ziv was really easy to work with and wrote exactly what I needed, and got it out to me super quickly. Pleasure to work with and would love to work together again :) "
"It was great working with Riley. Got my master within 24 hours and he really added a lot to my mix and made it sound so much more fuller, wider and crisp!"
"Patrick is really great, I am very satisfied with the work he has done. I will also do the next projects with him. "
"Kayley was awesome to work with. She totally understood what I wanted to accomplish and wrote and recorded an amazing song. I truly enjoyed working with Kayley and will do so again if the opportunity arises."
"Another great session with RAFA. I learn a tremendous amount every time I talk to him."
"Chelsea is a great musician and always professional with a great sounding recording."
"Cool work and does do it very professional "
"Jimbo is great at helping your tracks reach their full potential."
"Ziv showing is musical versatility with the bass for this track…and of course he rocked it! The bass has such a killer drive. He meshed/vibed the bass perfectly with the drums and I can’t wait to continue with this tr..."