Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Smetnaki
My name is Simon Hribovsek and I'm an Audio Engineer/Producer/Mixer/Guitarist with my own studio called Soundhit Production, which is the physical embodiment of my lifetime dedication to music. I believe in the power of music and it's potential to create unforgettable moments. I believe in your talent and want to be a part of your musical story.
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More providers:
Stage manager, tour manager, FOH engineer, producer, engineer, mixer, sound designer and musician.
Hey! I'd love to create something great with you!
Music Producer, Composser, Mix
Drako "El Principe", Santiago De Los Caballerosfavorite_borderfavoriteLatin urban music, Reggaeton producer, mixing and mastering engineer, composer and singer-songwriter
Do you want your songs to sound special? Focus on the important thing: the quality of the arrangements "Makes your song sound alive"
I can do some Extreme Metal Screams!
SAE Institute Grad. I'm Open To Help Other Artists With Their Music. I'm Here To Help And Collaborate With Other Artists/Engineers. I'm As Well A Songwriter, Open To Working On Any Type Of Project From Any Genre; Interested In Everything!!!
¿Buscas una letra que encaje con la melodía de tus canciones? Contactame para crear la mejor letra para tus canciones, tambien realizo adaptaciones para cover de canciones en ingles y openings de anime.
Recent Successes
"Very professional and fast! Great communication as well, will definitely recommend him!"
"Super talented, Love her work! <3"
"Michelle is a world-class cellist. Her outstanding talent will bring your songs to life with passion and grace. She is a great collaborator and easy to work with. I look forward to working with her again!"
"Rob took my songs to a whole new level. He made sure that i was 100% satisfied with the finished product. I hope to work again with him very soon!"
"I am so impressed with Andres and the way my masters turned out. As a self-produced artist/mixer, to get feedback on my mixes before mastering was truly invaluable. Andres' goal truly seems to provide you with the bes..."
"Yoed is a fantastic strings played and arranger - he brings true sensibility for a musical piece and incredible artistry. He's super easy to work with and truly understands what it takes to elevate a song with his ama..."
"Dennis is THE DRUMMER to get the best feel and time!"