Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sluwe Vos
Fully analog professional mastering studio on the sunny island of Ibiza operated by SEN certified sound engineer and teacher Laurens van Oers. Hear your tracks come to live with analog warmth, depth, clarity and punch. I focus on keeping your music as dynamic, open and lively as possible.
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Quality Mixing with a Quick turn around time.
more than 20 years of experience in audio edit, mix & mastering. especially professional vocal edit and speech edit.
I'm an American singer/songwriter/emcee/executive producer specializing in hip hop, RnB, house, acoustic soul, and pop: a little somethin' for everybody. Let's collabo and blow some minds!
26 years in mixing. Sound for some of the top music professionals in the world.
Soy Franco Aravena, Productor y compositor music, me gradué en el Instituto Profesional Arcos, he trabajado en proyectos diversos como composición y producción de música urbana, composición de música cinematográfica y/o ambiental. Muchos de mis proyectos propios están disponibles en las diversas plataformas digitales.
A low price for a great experience, my goal is not the money, it is to take your projects to the highest level I am capable of.
I specialize in creating catchy melodies, strong lyrics and solid chord progressions.
Recent Successes
"great touch and natural feel"
"Saniyah was professional, and extremely quick on delivery. After asking her for some revisions she did exactly what I wanted. All together she was a pleasure to work with!"
"Daramola will deliver not just a high-quality vocal, but a fully sound-designed sonic experience that will elevate your song. He uses his skills as an award-winning producer and signed songwriter to strategically craf..."
"Silke was very professional and patient. She wanted to bring my song justice like I did, and worked relentlessly until the final outcome was perfect. She has a great idea, and as a musician, she's also excellent if yo..."
"Isaiah co-wrote and co-produced my song wrongtime with me! This song has already gained over 50,000 streams and has landed on multiple editorial Spotify playlist! Isaiah played a huge part in the initial vision of thi..."
"Really awesome job. Polished the song beautifully. "
"All we can say is that you're missing out if you are not booking Shelley H to work on track. She is absolutely marvelous. Yours truly, The Housemen( Orlando Garcia and Shareef Islam )"