Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kim-Lian van der Meij
Fully analog professional mastering studio on the sunny island of Ibiza operated by SEN certified sound engineer and teacher Laurens van Oers. Hear your tracks come to live with analog warmth, depth, clarity and punch. I focus on keeping your music as dynamic, open and lively as possible.
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We aim to provide an environment for creative minds to explore endless possibilities and let their "Creative Juices" roll.
Experienced producer, mix engineer, songwriter, musician, and singer with a degree in Audio Engineering and has been mentored by grammy award winning engineers.
Yoooo!! What’s good everyone! I’m a new up and coming artist who’s hard working and ready to work. Anything you need done vocally I can do it for you in a timely fashion. Everything is negotiable, I'm just here to make you sound good and help take you to the next level.
Work includes Jordan Smith, Rita Springer, Laurel Taylor, Cassandra Coleman (American Idol), Tedious and Brief, Bridge Worship, and others. I've also had opportunities to do sessions and writes with various artists, as well as release lo-fi works of my own under my name!
Vocalist, Songwriter - Solo and Vintage Flight Band "Onstage this young performer is a dynamo in the making, wowing audiences, belting out rock and blues like a performer far beyond her years.... a voice that turns the heads of fans with deep knowledge of the music and its performers." -The Record
100,000,000+ million streams across all platforms & major credits in campaigns for “The Walking Dead”, “League of Legends” and more.
Hi! I'm a professional R&B/Hip Hop/ Pop singer/songwriter. I've worked with Lucky Daye, Isaiah Rashad, Rico Nasty, and many more talented artists, and I'd love to work with you!
Films, commercials, you name it
Recent Successes
"Amazing work and communication. Hope to repeat the experience soon! "
"Ben is an incredible mixer who will cast magic to bring out the absolute best out of your track! His skills and communication are top-tier as well. I would highly recommend working with him as I am sure I will do so a..."
"Ziv always gives a fast response, and perfect work! I am so glad he is available through SoundBetter for the guitar work I need...very appreciative of his talents!"
"I always have some trepidation when sending my mixdowns to be mastered as I'm very particular with the sound I like. However, when I got the master back from Aaron, I was blown away! I wanted a big room sounding maste..."
"As always she is a pro."
"Thank you for quickly adding a great melody that fits perfectly with the track. Your fast and high-quality work is very satisfying. And I really appreciate how kind you were throughout the project, Denny."
"This was my first time using the service. Therefore, I didn't know how the service works, so I put an extra burden on Mr. Davide, but he always responded kindly and politely. Davide's performance is also wonderful and..."