Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sixx:A.M.
I'm a world touring backing vocalist that can collaborate with you to record a thoughtful and dynamic vocal arrangement for your next track or album!
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your music - my job - common success
Besides collecting millions of streams and views on Spotify & YouTube alone, my music was also played on one of Germany's biggest radio stations and got featured by the biggest tastemakers inside the EDM scene (e.g. Trap Nation, Magic Music...)
Over 10 years in the business producing and mixing different bands and artists in various genres ranging from pop, hip hop, alternative rock to EDM. Producing, recording and mixing Nicole Cross all by myself with a Youtube channel of over 1 mio. subscribers and Spotify averaging 300k monthly listeners. Based in Germany & founder of Hidden Treasure.
My name is Stacy, I am an audio engineer in the Los Angeles area. Some of the artists I work with include Rico Nasty, Lil Xan, Lil Tracy, Bad Neighbors, Tyler Cole. I work with both indie and label artists. If you’re looking to record vocals, instruments, or are in the post production stages, I got you covered!
Kirsty Lee Akers - ‘Wild’ (Aria #1 charting country album. Available for Mixing, production, session instruments.
I professionally create music as a producer/engineer & sound design work, along with video post-production for 3 decades.
Art Director, Music Producer
Some clients: Jon Secada, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Luis Enrique, Ricardo Montaner, Alain Perez, Guaco, Chipi Chacón, Rafael Greco, Rafael “el pollo” Brito, Renesito Avich, Morris Northcutt, New Wine. Mix and mastering engineer for more than 3 decades. All genres. Involved in 3 Latin Grammy album winners including Best Engineered Album 2014.
Recent Successes
"Nice experience working with Wes Writer! Great vocals and fast devlivery. Thanks Wes "
"He was patient as I was so busy around this holiday season and after a few changes he was able to give me exactly what I wanted."
"Nick was so great to work with and he had such amazing idéas! Nick is really the best of the best and I truly recommend to work with him!"
"What a wonder again see dreams turn to legacy because of the talents of Marcello. At no point has anyone ever done better for a songwriter."
"Excellent mastering engineer.Good communication,very kind person!Will work again together for sure!"
"Corey has been quick, efficient and responsive. He did a good job, and I'll likely work with him again in the future. "
"One of my favourite voices and singers, amazing work highly recommend working with Trella, would love to again in the future. Thanks again!"
"Of all the producers I've been working with the past 20 years, Simon is the one I've felt most understood by, most able to bring the best out of my songs, and most thorough when it comes to producing and communicating..."
"How do you review someone like Timothy? Amazing!!! Feel, creativity, incredible timing.......A real sense for the sound required for the song. 10 stars. Þúsund Þakkir. "