Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Siren Sister
You have an idea,a song,some files you want to transform into a ready to master-mix-well I can contribute in all steps involved.From recording to composition,writing,and arrangement to recording,coaching editing and mixing I can accompany you through all the steps needed to manifest your idea.I`m also a singer and have musicians at hand.
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I have been working as a musician in the recording industry since 1996. I started out in London, cutting my teeth as a guitarist in a band with a record deal with A&M records. I now live and work in Amsterdam as a songwriter and producer. I have a small project studio with a hybrid analogue/digital setup, and happily face to face or remotely.
Mixing & mastering your music to make it pop. Currently working with various record labels, e.g. Block Opera, Krekpek Records, Astralwerks, Blue Note Records, Dezi-Belle as well as many independent artists to make sure their music sounds as strong as ever, and their release is fully prepped for commercial success. Let's create.
Music is love, music is life! Let's create amazing songs!
Professional drummer and audio engineer with a background in music production. An extensive collection of equipment and highly proficient in Ableton Live. Highly experienced in playing to a click from many years as a working, gigging drummer in Melbourne.
Hello dear teacher When God created the language of nature on frequency, he gave us the power to play and make music so that we can speak the language of emotions. Now I present to you what is left of my ancestors In memory of my dear teacher who said that music is the bridge between the world and heaven {Hamidfar}
performed: SXSW, A3C, Morehouse College Homecoming, BET hiphop awards
As a multi-instrumentalist composer, producer, and engineer, I bring a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to every project. My focus and dedication to music earned me a degree in music composition from Columbia University, where I got extensive experience in audio engineering and music production.
Experienced composer and arranger specializing in crafting unique and impactful music. With a strong background in composition, orchestration, and notation, I bring your musical ideas to life with precision and creativity. Let's collaborate to make your project stand out with professional, high-quality arrangements.
Recent Successes
"Chris' profile lists him as a "genius" and it is true to the core. It has been a pleasure working with a talent that loves his craft and far surpasses the needs of the client. I have made a connection that I am comfor..."
"Clean & powerful rendered as usual!"
"OH MY....Victor Victorious.... Master-full Magic once more. Just incredible getting that loud bite and crunch whilst retaining the dynamics of a track. Signature Commercial prowess of note."
"He's a great producer! I took his help for one track & all I wanna say is "he knows what he's doing" also he's superfriendly & fun to work with."
"Five Star Vocalist every time."
"Jesús is a professional and you will realize from the first moment you contact him listen to the needs of the client and manage to find something that you did not know that your song needs!"
"I really can't find any more positive words for Maddie, awesome voice, great to work with, enjoys input and is a true artist. I'd happily work with her on every song I write. No hesitation in recommending her to a..."
"Amazing singer ! very nice to work with her"
"Simon was awesome to work with. I sent him a demo of a song with simply vocals as reference and a catchy piano loop to fully produce out. This was a very bare bones demo but I knew the production / song itself could b..."