Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sims Volour
I'm a composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist who specializes in creating bespoke music for different media forms in a variety of genres and production styles. From film-makers on scores and sound design to recording artists with albums and singles. I love unique sounds and being experimental with musical textures that can elevate a project.
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Last big placement was in the Warner Bros./ Robot Films motion picture "ATL" for recording and mixing three songs for the group Redd Klaye features in the soundtrack.
Mixing engineer/Producer based in Amsterdam.
Top quality stuff that can take your music to "Beatport's Top 10" or maybe you can get thousands of listeners on "Spotify" Just like I Have. Get anything related to music, Vocals, Production, Mixing, Mastering, HipHop/Rap Beats or commercial bangers. have any doubts?? Google search "Zurxes" or search on spotify.. Yes I am the real ZURXES.
Music composer, Guitarist, keyboard player and vocalist.
Experienced songwriter and vocalist. My specialization includes original songwriting, vocal harmonies, and vocals in the genres of Hip-Hop/Rap, R&B, and pop.
I'm the guitarist vocalist for Blueburst, an excellent rhythm player in any style, and possessor of a Stipe-esque voice leaning towards alt/rock and country.
I have a Masters Degree in Classical Guitar, However I also play acoustic and electric guitar.
Recent Successes
"Les has worked very hard and stayed with the song to get it sound like I wanted it to sound. I will be using him again very soon. "
"It has been really great working with Mikhail. Mikhail is both effective in the working progress, he listens carefully, has very good patience and makes the final project sound really professional! He is also very nic..."
"I can’t say thank you enough. You are THE BEST IN TOWN JUAN CRUZ "
"Cyrus is a great producer and songwriter. I explained my vision for my project and he got it perfectly honestly exceeded my expectations 🔥🔥🔥🔥The lyrics are thoughtful and rhyme nicely & the beat is awesome it takes y..."
"Wonderful bass player, thanks for your patience going back and forth with me!"
"He took all of my ideas, inspirations, and references I had and made a complete HIT! Not only is he extremely talented, he is so easy to work with and such a great guy! I will definitely be working with him again soon!"
"This is the second time I worked with Andrew and he is just extra-ordinary talented. This is the guy for your project."
"Todd is a great mastering engineer. Patience, listening, high skills, professionalism, your tracks will be revealed and upgraded with his mastering processes. "