Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sic Inside
This is the most sought-after DJ, vocalist and instrumentalist.
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Audio Engineer and bass player with more than 15 years of experience in recordings and live playing. Let me be part of your musical project and give it the solidness necessary from a good bass line.
A different perspective to add something more to your track. Projects are flexible on time. Perfection takes time. Listen to my samples, I can add this to your sound.
Need more character to your tracks? I do mastering and mixing and love to give your tracks something extra!
i make music featuring fresh penis sounds
With 10+ years of experience in recording, mixing, and mastering, I’ve worked with renowned artists to craft hit songs. At Soundtown Studios, I offer professional mixing and mastering services, delivering clarity and punch to your music. Let’s bring your sound to life and make your vision a reality.
Industry quality mix & Masters that your pockets will love!!
Infinite Being is here today to open the world's eye's. He will bring the state of deep meditation to your ears & brains! Mainly he is A producer, producing deep melodic, spiritual & powerful tranceline's in the genre's ! The magnificent & cosmic story, more awakening of his life is the fundament of his music!
I’m a professional musician and mixing engineer. I play guitar and bass and do music production, music arrengments, Im from Guadalajara, Mexico
Recent Successes
"On my 3rd song, Kolar inserted creative ideas and I ran with them. He added a new feel to my song which helped me get lyrics out of my head I was having trouble with. It was worth tipping him extra money for his exper..."
"As a still to be discovered artist, when collaborating with a highly regarded industry professional, I was concerned that relative standing in the industry could present a potential difficulty - with my concerns being..."
"Jake went above and beyond with my track, and exceeded all of my expectations. He really is an incredibly talented mix engineer; I cannot recommend him enough!"
"Outstanding job and really nice. he's not just playing, but feel the song too. "
"Fast, patient and creative. Great producer "
"Always top quality. Benni always delivers top quality, and it's a huge pleasure to work with him! Such a cool dude and amazing engineer. If you after professionalism, you just found it ;) "
"This is the second time I've worked with Graham. He just has a feel for HITS! The new song has a melody that makes you recognize the song after the first few seconds! Working with him is just fun and it won't be the l..."
"Sara is a wonderful person, apart from having an excellent voice, she is a great professional. Super friendly and with some great ideas that make the proposed proposal shine even more. I recommend Sara 100%!"
"Trey is truly an expert and such a kind person! The dedication he brought to bring this vision to life was awe inspiring. Very grateful for this experience and to future projects with Trey! "
"AMAZING and FAST!!! Elliot treated my project with care and the end result is absolutely incredible...I'll definitely be working with him again!"