Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Siberian Koalas
Hi! I'm a music producer, mixing engineer, singer song-writer from Barcelona, Spain. I've been producing a wide range of genres for more than 10 years. From indie to soundtracks, pop, experimental, electro and hip-hop.
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Mastering is like colour correction for audio. The goal is to reach balance that sounds natural and as true to the source as possible, and sounds great whether you're listening on your living room hifi system or your earbuds at the gym.
I've been a professional guitarist for over 25 years, and I've recorded 8 albums for major labels including Warner Music, Universal and others. I play rock, metal, punk rock, hardcore and also Brazilian bossa nova.
Session Saxophonist, Alto, Tenor and Soprano.
I'm a recent mediatech grad looking to get myself into the glorious world of mixing and mastering. I've enjoyed it since I started it in when I was 16 and I want to continue it eagerly.
Hi, I am AMADEA. I am a singer, composer, pianist and a mix engineer at Major Realm. I can provide: 🎤 Powerful and Unique vocals - Belt, Rock, Opera, Chanting, EDM, Pop etc. (I am a Contralto with a very wide vocal range) 🎧 Music production, Composing, Arranging, Mixing. 🖋️Rhyme Translation to English from any other language.
"... Fred Sunwalk has a thing about Hendrix. He plays with boldness and passion and has the technique under his fingers to say what he wants.” Guitar Player Magazine. Fred Sunwalk is one of the top names in Brazilian Blues Rock. With 23 years of his career, the guitarist performs at the biggest Blues and Rock festivals in Brazil, US and Europe.
I am an independent audio engineer, producer, and musician with 5+ years of experience, here to take your project to the next level!
Unique and eclectic production to make your work stand out. As a performer studying at Guildhall School of Music and Cambridge University I have years of experience in getting the most out of every sound.
Recent Successes
"Julia has an amazing voice and was really professional to accomplish all my requests about the work i gave her. Really nice person to work with. Really recommended! "
"goooooooooooood!!,this awesome guy just wrote dope track for me "
"Elise was great to work with! She was very professional and prompt, and she came up with fantastic ideas for my project. I will definitely be working with her again! "
"This is my third collaboration with William, and he out does himself each and every time! He is an incredibly talented individual that seems to be able to turn his hand to any genre thrown at him. Not to mention a tru..."
"This is the third time I work with Lena, and every time I am surprised by how much talent she has. She understands exactly what I want in each song and is very flexible with my requests. A pleasure to work with you!"
"Super efficient in a very short time, he knows and understand what his client is asking. Everything felt so easy and simple 👍🏽"
"Jimmy is awesome! Very quick and communicative. He's obviously got the pro chops, but is also willing to be generative and to dig into feedback. I discovered through the process that I was more particular about some t..."
"this was to take out a sample and replace it with a legit PART"
"Craig put down a solid upright bass track on an instrumental clawhammer tune. Highly recommended. "