Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Comme des Nouchis
Hi there, we are a Hip Hop producer duo specialized in UK Grime. We’ll produce/mix you’re next banger: let’s get to work!
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Traskz is currently President (Founder/CEO) of Traskz Entertainment Group LLC. & T.E.G. Publishing, Signed Songwriter For BMI. If time permits Tra$kz & his Staff would love to meet with you & discuss career opportunities in the area of Music Production / Engineering / Arranging / Mixing / Composing / Writing / Etc.....
Producer and musician (keyboard player), specialized in sound mastering.
Freelance mixer, engineer, producer...
Beck ,Father John Misty, Radiohead, David Holmes, Primal Scream, GRAMMY Winning Mixer/Producer/Engineer at your service.
Most recently featured on Lucie Jones’ album Live At The Adelphi.
Ljova has recorded with Yo-Yo Ma & The Silkroad Ensemble, arranged for The Kronos Quartet, Natalia Lafourcade, Alondra de la Parra, Gustavo Santaolalla, has released ten albums, penned dozens of film scores and more. Convenient Manhattan studio or mobile worldwide.
I care about everything that leaves the studio that has my name on it. I’m not one to just press record and let you do your thing. I’d I think something can sound better I will let you know. All while respecting your overall vision of course.
Music is my medicine
Recent Successes
"Nick is amazing, has a knack for capturing vibe and crafting strong arrangement. very pleased with latest project!"
"Is very good at what he does and was professional throughout. Did and delivered what was required and requested. We have started working on another project together again..."
"I like working with Andres as he is an open communicator and in addition to the mastering, provides helpful insight on the project. Andres goes beyond the rather ho-hum, minimal engagement/enthusiasm standard of a typ..."
"It was an absolute pleasure working with Alan. He mixed and mastered an album of 20 songs for me, which is no small undertaking. I felt like he was as invested in the album being as good as it could be as I was. He..."
"Cheshy did a really great job for my project and didn't let me go until it was perfect!"
"What a pleasure it was to work with Alessia! Not only does she have such an incredible voice but she also guides you through the song, providing excellent feedback and great suggestions that help take your song to the..."
"Jonathan's talent is on another level, super professional and crazy fast!!! Will start using him for all my flute needs!!!"
"Another most successful project with Drew! His vocals add a lot of depth and interest and the pop ballad I asked him to sing lead on is made all the better thanks to his work. Totally friendly and responsive guy on ..."
"Liam is a beast. He has a sound like no other and I'm honored to be able to work with him. Thank you Liam for yet another gem"