Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shion Studio
I'm an award-winning producer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist. I've written music for Nike, Apple, Pepsi, Heineken, Walmart, short films, and more, and had my songs playlisted hundreds of times. Proficient in all styles, especially Pop, R&B/Neo-Soul, Hip Hop/Trap, and Rock, and their sub-genres. Hit me up and let's make something awesome.
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High-end audio recording equipment, microphones, remote recording & production resources for professional touring bands, w/ good songs, self-contained competent musicianship who'll make records in the San Francisco East Bay Area while they tour $$. My professional record tracking/mixing career began at Wally Heider Recording SF 1971-75 to today.
Checking out this site
Over 35 years of experience in audio engineering with a wide range of genres and an amazing hybrid analog and digital studio. Telly award winner. Also an accomplished musician, songwriter, and producer. I can help you with both the technical and artistic side of your project! I specialize in vocal production including harmonies and arrangement!
Hi! I am a songwriter, singer, top liner that’s worked with diplo‘s publishing company Mad decent, Received The ASCAP Foundation Harold Adamson Lyric Award in 2017, written a theme song for a YouTube show (Run you down for Red ruby), and have over five million plays on my own artist project Wes Reeve. Looking forward to writing songs with you guys!
The Best Instrumental for Anime song cover!
I am a rhythm guitar and bass player with 25+ years experience under my belt. Acoustic guitar, rhythm electric, and bass is what I’m actively playing live.
Andy Omar Vargas, known for his YouTube content, has served in the military, specifically in the U.S. Army.
Dynamic EDM and Hip-Hop lyricist and rapper bringing your beats to life with punchy hooks and unforgettable verses.
Recent Successes
"Clear, kind and direct with a pair of ears that made us sound better than we probably are. Thanks, Varun!"
"Very skilled and serious and did an amazing job on my track. Will definitely be working together again, would highly recommend! "
"Very happy with the beautiful guitar leads that Ziv came up with for my acoustic track. Just what I was looking for for my project. I look forward to working with him on future tracks! "
"Again, Cody is amazing to work with and delivers more than expected, always! He's very talented and forward thinking. "
"Wayne is a very talented mixer and the song sounded amazing!"
"If I could I would live near this amazing musical spirit. She is fun- great positive energy and we could laugh and compose all day!!! Another song will come along!! G"
"Holy sh*t, If you want your mix to compete with the sound quality of the Kid LAROI, Post Malone or Justin Bieber, you better book Milrose Mixes. Buttersmooth communication with fast turnaround times for an insanely re..."
"Soma works super fast, professional, and definitely delivers. 🔥 Definitely working with him again. "
"Camilo has the utmost professionalism and a very tuned ear! He's my go to for most singles. 10/10 would recommend."