Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sháyla
Sháyla is a Pop and Indie Record Producer who stands out in this competitive arena as one who produces unique beats and ground-shaking production that allow artists to be set apart. Sháyla is a catalyst for artists owning their sound. Her ability to blend genres, experiment with sounds, and understand the pulse of the industry is beautiful.
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I can make your music sounds better with a budget.
Jesse House is a producer, sound designer, live sound and recording technician. Jesse is the East Coast Rep for Keith McMillen Instruments and an AV Specialist at Stevens Institute of Technology where he received a degree in audio engineering with a concentration in psychoacoustics.
A talented music producer on the rise. Worked with Award winning artists in pop and rap.
I am a highly talented songwriter with over 20 years in songwriting & music industry experience. I’ve worked with platinum songwriters as well as producers, which has giving me a great tools in songwriting as well as in the music business itself. I write mostly Rap and R&B music given the right production I can write just about anything!
All Kind of heating and cooling system services
Experienced music producer, drummer, mixing and mastering engineer based in Barcelona, Spain.
I am head of audio and lead engineer at Crooked Media, meaning I mix podcasts very well AND know how to build the right set up. I’ve worked on shows such as Pod Save America, Catch and Kill, Keep It, Hysteria, and many more. I work quickly, and I can make your podcast sound as good as it can sound.
Musician, Producer, Session Guitarrist, Sound Engineer and Sound Designer.
Recent Successes
"this was professional job because my song come to really quality and i am so happy thanks bro for all"
"Idan is one of the more talented, dedicated and thoughtful people we've encountered in this business. Every detail was tended to. Every request or revision was implemented with such grace and care. He saw our vision t..."
"This was my second song I've sent to Matt and he absolutely crushed it! He really helped bring energy into the mix and added his own personal touches that sounded great. I posted the song on my social media and the ..."
"Cameron as always great job.... easy to communicate and always on top of his game "
"Zoltan is a very skilled player. Had him record a cover song, funk/soul style with some fairly intricate finger picking/slap and a very bass upfront groove and mix. No revisions needed, he sent me 2 takes within a day..."
"Excellent professional. His production, mixing and mastering is superb."