Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shahzad Ismaily
Jamal Ruhe is a musical midwife who has helped to bring thousands of projects into the world. I am an experienced mastering and mixing engineer. I've been privileged to work on music and video / film audio with hundreds of artists in Nashville, Memphis, L.A., Phoenix, and of course New York. Anti-racist, Anti-sexist and LGBTQIA+ friendly.
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It all started on an otherwise uneventful afternoon, the last day of March, 1982 - the day of my birth. Finding myself at a young and feckless age, in 1996, I started playing about with breakbeat and a bit of a jungle. Now I'm producing tracks for other artists, producing videos, and, as a hobby, directing videos, all quickly followed
29yrs old. Hip-hop enthusiast. soundcloud.com/o-maille
We are proud of the collection of vintage gear we have in the studio, thus giving a unique character to your music with our vintage George Neumann Analogue Desk.
Poetic and/or catchy lyricist, songwriter & chameleon vocalist. I can write & record top-lines, collaborate on songwriting, and/or record studio quality vocals for your new project, all with a super quick turnaround!
I am a grammy awarded producer, mixing engineer and musician who has worked in the business for over 20 years. I've been lucky to have worked on platinum selling albums and winning some awards but first and foremost I love to work with new and exciting artists. I have written tracks for popular artist and have streamed songs over 300 million times.
Hi! I’m Dagni, a versatile singer and music producer based in Tallinn, Estonia with a professional home studio. My vocals are featured in a song called “Warzone” by Lowky and me.
Ryan is a songwriter, producer, singer, & guitar player with nearly 20 years of experience in music. As the frontman of a San Francisco based band, he has honed in on his craft, learning how to mix, master, produce as well as build out complex backing track sessions via Ableton Live used in countless venues across California.
I’ve been teaching myself mixing & mastering for over 11 years in live and studio settings. Let me help you craft your dance masterpiece and let’s get it pumping in the clubs.
Recent Successes
"Cooper is very professional and patient. working with him was quite an experience. He was very dedicated to my project and made sure I had just what I wanted and even beyond..the sound and quality is off the hook I wi..."
"She is absolutely amazing, she got the idea and delivers her product with quality!!"
"This guy is amazing! Austin did a perfect job. My track is more than ready to be released now! Thanks!!"
"This is now the 7th song that yoad has done for our team , things are going smooth & sounding good , I think yoad is gonna make me a Rock Star !!"
"Thanks Ziv for another successful project!"
"Fede is very talented, kind and fast. I suggest him to anyone who wants to do a cool saxophone song!"
"Working with Andres & his team for the 5th or 6th time. His work is top, before starting the session he gives advice on the mix & you can make changes so it is optimized for his work. The feedback loop is fast & effic..."
"Luke has an exceptional sense of what a song needs. If you want your song to be taken to an even higher level than you ever thought it could reach: He‘s definitely your man! Other than that, he‘s super polite, quic..."
"Working with Trav was amazing! He’s super talented, creative, and a great person. Highly professional and easy to work with!" "