Session Conversion in Virginia
Mix & Mastering services for Music and Podcast -Audio Repair and Reclamation services -Audio Production consulting -Audio Hardware/software consulting -Session & audio archive storage
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I'm a 16 year old bedroom music producer in Jacksonville, Florida. I work on trap and hip-hop beats.
I LOOOVE music and have always been thinking of FAT STACKS I would make to help charities but that’s beside the point.
Musician, composer, lyricist and vocalist who has been involved with acclaimed projects of a variety of genres from progressive metal to Gothic electronic.
Violin, Strings section, all Arrangements, all Orchestrations, all Scores (lay out, printing and binding)...
Initiative trumps talent... Talent works wonders!
MTV, CBS and ABC TV Credited Music Producer and Sound Designer
Versatile bassoonist. I am currently an assistant soloist of the Mar del Plata´s Symphony Orchestra, Buenos Aires, Argentina, position obtained through a competition in 2010.
Let’s put some more trophies on the walls.
Recent Successes
"Perfect "
"Classy did an amazing job singing the hook for my song! Definitely recommend! "
"In a word: wow. In more words: Yoed gave my song the same time, care, and attention as a famous artist, and it sounds more beautiful than I could've possibly imagined. It literally brought my wife and I to tears. This..."
"Matt did a great job on my song. recommended "
"Always a great experience. Very responsive throughout. Perfect job and will be hiring again!"
"Ashley is wildly talented at her craft. She is an incredible artist and so friendly/easy to work with too! If you care about your track, I'd highly recommend working with Ashley"
"Great work again from Michael as he helped me to complete another song. He has always delivered top-notched quality. A pleasure to work with him."
"Austin delivers exactly what you envision. He is Professional, diligent, and really works with you to achieve your goal. I feel he is passionate about his art, and wants to deliver the best. "
"I had an excellent experience working with Brad, he played a crucial role in polishing my music to a professional level. His attention to detail and expertise significantly enhanced the overall sound quality, bringing..."
"AN ABSOLUTE TALENT! Sara is great! And just delivered amazing work!"