Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Senter Records
Ghost Producers, DJs, Mixing & Mastering engineers ✅ Are you a DJ, music producer, singer or anyone who want to success in music industry? Then you are in the right place!
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Hit Maker
Miami-Based EDM / Pop Professional Producer/musician. With approximately 6 years of music composition and performance on guitar/piano and 5 years on the production field focused on the EDM genre
Good enough for a Grammy🏆
Dedicated Producer from Germany. Mixing/Mastering/Instrumental Production - Hit me with your requests! I'll do my best to fulfill your wishes. :)
My forte is my ability to perform with various lutes beyond the guitar. My foundation is in Flamenco/ Classical but I have transferred those skills to many types of lutes. The lute you see in the image below is a Baglama from Turkey. Most people can not make use these kinds of instruments (baglama, oud, cumbus) do to the microtones.
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Versatile tenor spanning a number of genres.
I created "Call Me My White Butterfly" and "Safe House"
Recent Successes
"Professional, patient and delivered an absolute good master."
"If you're looking for a major label producer, talk to Axe. Axe is absolutely amazing!! He pours his heart into the song and works super fast while maintaining the top quality as an engineer as well as songwriter.He ca..."
"Silke was just as amazing the second time around! Incredible talent and attention to detail. Everything turned out wonderfully."
"Matt was great to work with and extremely receptive to all of the feedback provided through multiple revisions. "
"Made my track really pop! Wonderful to work with, very happy with the mix so I'll highly recommend him!"
"highly professional work done extremely fast, but most importantly: a fantastic voice!!! "
"Leandro is an excellent musician and is a pleasure to work with. He took a work of mine with lots of twists and turns and honed it nicely into a finished work. He delivered exactly the sound and feel I was after."
"Dope mix and master, delivered super fast"
"If you want someone so professional it will blow your mind. So musically communicative you'll be humbled, so fast you will think you are dealing with Flash Leeds. So reasonable your bank will be thanking him. Go with..."
"DUMSK is always great to work with. He is kind, professional, communicates really well and is extremely talented. "
"Once again, Peter did an amazing job! Perfect clean tracks as always. Thanks Peter for taking my song on to a whole new level. Cant wait to start next project with this man!!!"