Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Senor Fin
Hi! I'm an engineer and songwriter based in Los Angeles. I use my experience as a songwriter and performer as instincts for my mixing and take pride in being able to understand both sides of making a track come to life; the technical aspects of a balanced mix as well as the artistic side of wanting to find a unique sound for the song at hand.
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Hey everyone, I am a Singer/Songwriter based in Hongkong.
Professional music producer and multi-instrumentalist with 30+ years of experience available to help you produce a professional quality recording of your song. I can add instrumentation as-needed/desired including piano/keys/synths, guitars, bass, and drums to fit the song and the target genre. I can also provide vocal arrangements.
More than 5 years experience in sound design, I will put in your tracks the sounds that will give a real own identity.
I am a multi-instrumentalist, producer and mix engineer and a recent graduate from Berklee. I specialize in Indie, psychedelia and rock.
_WHTBOY, a London born open format DJ/producer with over 15 years of experience in the music and entertainment industry. currently based in Dubai for the last 4 years. Specialising in Hip-Hop, RnB, Pop, Experimental and Trap production. Produced soundtracks which have been featured on television talent shows such as Britons Got Talent.
I am a lifelong musician, and have been producing music since 2014. I have a Bachelors degree in Music Engineering, and a Masters degree in Music Production, Technology, and Innovation from Berklee College of Music. I have completed mixes for myself and my peers, and I'm excited to add you to the list.
Affordable Music Mixing and/or Mastering! Satisfaction Guaranteed!
HBO MAX series, Spotify and TIDAL editorial playlists placements.
Recent Successes
"Operating on a busy schedule, I was pleased with the quality of the mixes Larry crafted for me despite such time constraints. Recommended!"
"Andrew is a professional and a creative genius! He was able to bring his experience and deep knowledge of contemporary music style to my project and lift it with some amazing drum progressions. On top of this, he is q..."
"Oli produced a track of mine remotely, from a demo to a fully-realized version, and he absolutely nailed it. He was very quick, and also great to work with the whole way through. Super talented producer and musician a..."
"Once again, another amazing project completed by Jen Leigh. She's the most gifted and talented guitarist I've come in contact with, over the many years I've been involved with music. Its not just about playing in the..."
"Chandler did an amazing job on the songwriting and vocals as expected! She delivered exactly the vibe i was looking for in no time!"
"Very happy with the result"
"Austin is a professional. Great at what he does and responds quickly to a client’s questions/needs. I recommend him highly. 5 stars!"
"Can’t ask for a better producer. Chris was fast and brought this song in my head to life . I’m new to this so his patience is appreciated. He made the vision come to light . Can’t wait to record the song with Chris help "