Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Seb Torgus
I am Chicago's go-to guy for your music needs.
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*Vocalist & Songwriter releasing with Universal, Sony, NCS, Revealed Records + / Sean Paul, Pitbull / Syncs with Motorola + Netflix Locke & Key
Make music sound better.
I am a music producer and engineer. I can make the beat from the ground up anyway you want it, mix it, master it, and get you a final track that you were involved with in every step of the process. I can make any genre you want but specialize in R&B, Hip-Hop/Rap, pop, and anything with guitar because I'm a very experienced guitarist. I WORK FAST
Male Singer/songwriter, and vocal arranger.
Learned from the best: worked with Will Smith at Overbrook, LT Hutton and Snoop, Big Bert, Versaille Benson, Busta Rhymes, and Chauncey Black from Blackstreet. R&B is my specialty.
Hello everyone! How are you doing? I'm an electronic music producer from Brazil, active since 2017. I've had the privilege of performing at major festivals like Universo Paralello. U can submit ghost services anytime. Let's make music!
I'm a experienced recording engineer. I work with many local artists, I mix and master and produce.
Recent Successes
"Pato once again laid down an excellent bass part and got me the tracks fast! He is a great bassist and I will definitely be using him in the future!"
"Great guy to work with - put his mark on the music and very pleased with the mix and master."
"Chris,The most professional professional musician! drum sounds so so so great!! very muscial, I love this guy!He has a great recording studio!not homestudio!!"
"I am very satisfied working with Andres! The masters he does are high-quality analogue soft and powerful! "
"Great work! Thank you for being on point and delivering on time! Much appreciated!"
"5 stars all I can give? Dominique laced me up with a fire R&B bassline. But even beyond the amazing work, just the vibe working with him is second to none. It felt like working with a friend even though we just met.Yo..."
"Facundo was a great collaborator for this project! He nailed the requirements and delivered well-recorded sounds. The sounds were focused and in good acoustics. I am really happy with the outcome. I will without ..."
"great communication. very friendly, professional and fast delivery. Audio quality as well as vocals perfect. gladly again"
"Dope mix & master, delivered super fast. Always very accommodating & diligent to get me just the right sound"