Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sean Smith/We Will Survive
Professional mixing engineer and producer specialising in rock, indie and pop.
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Personalized service all the way. Production, Mix and Master the way you want it.
Credits: Metro Boomin, Future, Oddisee, Said The Sky, Broadway Records. Stunning and creative string arrangements across a wide array of genres. Whether you need a lush symphonic sound, added sparkle and grit on a hip hop track, a fiddle solo, or that added element to bring your song to life, let's work together!
I make podcast, but now I make and music.
Hi guys! I'm a recording artist/vocalist with over 10 years of experience songwriting, arranging, vocal producing, background vocals, and editing/mixing projects on my own. I write quality songs and look forward to working with you to get you what you need!
Una de mis pasiones es la música. Actualmente me estoy formando como Productor y especializándome en los diferentes software y instrumentos. He realizado diferentes proyectos tanto propios como a diferentes artistas. Les dejo abajo todos mis proyectos.
I am a professional mixing and mastering engineer as well as a musician, this means I can mix from the perspective of a musician making sure to keep your mix musical. I pride myself in being able to maintain the natural dynamics and organic sound of song while packaging it in a focused and tight mix.
Jesus Fuenmayor is one of the most prominent producers in Venezuela, accompanied by his experience working with old and new wave artists, he specializes in making beats with a unique and experimental sound. Perfectly mastering the production area.
High quality beats that don't cost a fortune.
Recent Successes
"After working for a while with a the same master engineer even if all my friends was telling me his sound wasn't right I decide to listen and find something new... But it wasn't till I hear Andrews works I realize how..."
"thumbs up, easy to work with...does precisely what you ask"
"Fred Miller, hands down the best mixing and mastering Engineer I've worked with and the person I've been looking for. He is very responsive, cares for your work and assures that you are happy with the end result. At a..."
"Bea is the best of the best. An OVNI. Everything you put in her hands his becoming gold. She has so faculties, a great voice, fresh modern and a very good sound. She arrives to mix the song better than the greatest m..."
"Very responsive and great quality professional mastering. Thank you for bringing up my sound to a new level. "
"I liked working with Joe. He was fast, uncomplicated and did the job the way I had in mind."
"Working with Trey is a pleasure. His professionalism is equally matched with his abilities as a song writer. He didn't win 20 ASCAP awards by accident. We co-wrote a really great song in under 3 hours and I'm looki..."